You Decide

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              I am Elara and I am the villain that saved the world.

              I find it funny when the "heroes" ask why I'm doing what I'm doing. When they call me a monster. It really is ironic, because no one asked why the people around me did what they did, didn't call them monsters.

               Me? I am no monster. I am human, just broken. I admit, I am the villain, but I am not a monster. I am a villain that was created by the people around me.

               I was not always like this, I used to care, I used to want to help. I used to be afraid. It's not my fault I was ridiculed and beaten down by everyone my whole life. All my life I have been called a freak, a monster, and a villain, all because I looked different. All my life I had been abused mentally and physically by the people around me, because no one bothered seeing who I really was, and instead focused on what my power was. And I could take that if it had just been me it effected, but now, now the one person that ever truly cared about me, is gone. Killed by a "hero". All because my power made me look different, made me look "threatening", they were killed. I hadn't even done anything wrong, but because a hero didn't "feel safe" when they saw me, they attacked, and the person who deserved it the least, got in the way of the trajectory.

             So I'm done. I've given up on trying to do good. I've given up on ignoring all the cruel things that have happened in my life. I've given up on trying to be a hero like I'd always wanted to be. I've. Given. Up. I am no longer afraid, for I have nothing left to lose. If people want me to be the villain, then that's exactly what I will become. I will be the villain that saves everyone. And if the books tell me anything, villains can go to the extremes that no one else will dare to go. And I refuse to apologise for being the villain, for no one apologised for turning me into the villain.

            Why am I doing this? So no one will ever have to go through what I did. I have found a way to solve the problem with powers, one that no one has ever bothered to even look for before. A way that will eliminate villains and heroes as a whole. A way to get rid of powers. Some may consider me a villain for getting rid of their powers, because their powers are a part of them, a part of everyday life, and what caused them to rise to the top. But, others may consider me a hero, people like me who have gone through more misfortune than they should in a lifetime because others judged and rejected them, soley their powers.

          Without powers, we are all the same.

          Without powers, people will begin to see that the one who you called a monster because of their power, is the same as everyone else.

        People will begin to see that we are all human, all have our own struggles, our own talents, and none of us are perfect.

        Without powers, people's eyes will open up and finally see that that person is no monster, just a little girl.

        And if that makes me the villain, I accept that. I will gladly play the villain if it means that no one will have to suffer because someone didn't bother to see who they really are. If it means a child doesn't have to be lonely and afraid because of people's thoughts on something they have no control over, then yes. I, am the villain. And I would have it no other way.

       I am a villain.

       And I will be the last villain.

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