Mr and Mrs Haimi didn't look surprised a bit. As if they too knew everything. Normally such parents who just knew their child is a witch/wizard would fret or simply won't believe.

"Oh these Harry Potter books..? Out daughter is crazy about them. She must have read them hundred times atleast." said Mr Haimi jokingly.

The professors looked as though they had been hit with multiple stunning spells at once. McGonagall picked the books as she murmured looking at Snape.

"Harry P..Potter?...." she ran her fingers across the spine of the book ".... Harry Potter and the Philosopher's  Stone,.....Chamber Of Secrets,.... Prisoner of Azkaban.. Goblet of Fire......Oh Severus!"

"They've been named after every significant thing that happened during Potter's time at Hogwarts, Minerva." said Snape.

"Do you think Albus knows of all this?" asked McGonagall.

"He will Minerva. I can bet you." said Snape in a clipped tone.

Svadhina then piped in..." Usually each one of them got published around the summers. There's a detailed explanation of every character, which includes the both of you. That's how I recognised you. Until now I just believed you were fictional."

"How are these books taken by your kind, Miss?" asked Snape

"Well.... everybody I mean every age group read these. Told you that the author sold billions of copies in every language." she explained him.

" We're taking these with us." snapped Snape.

"Of course Professor. There's a whole chapter dedicated to you infact." she replied with a grin. Snape rolled his eyes.

" Then I presume you understand what we're trying to explain..." McGonagall looked at Mr and Mrs Haimi ".... your daughter is someone like us who needs a magical education prescribed for people like us. It may be hard to believe but this is the truth. Your daughter belongs to the other world: our world." completed McGonagall sympathetically.

"We have no problem Professor until you keep her safe. If this is what's good for her, then we shall abide by everything that is required." said Mr Haimi.

McGonagall later explained them every detail about how their society works which to her surprise, they understood quickly.

" Miss Haimi, these are your tickets to London. You are to board the flight on 30th of June. Do not worry we'll be there to pick you. Then we shall go to Diagon Alley to buy your school supplies. Please carry some muggle money with you so that we can open a temporary Gringott's vault for you in case you need money in near future."

"But Madam, how will our currency work there?" asked Mr Haimi.

"No worries sir, the goblins in the bank will convert the Indian currency to our wizarding currency."
He nodded in agreement.

It was all too much at once for Svadhina to digest. Firstly she was a witch; a part of the world shebhad only dreamt about. But one thing kept striking her from the beginning so she asked the professors straight away.

"Professor, don't the first years get their letter when they are eleven. Why is it so late for me because I believe I'll be of age in your world by the end of this year and I'm coming to Hogwarts as a first year. Isn't it confusing ?"

"And don't you think you ask to much questions, Miss?" snapped Snape at her.

Svadhina had to admit that no matter how good looking her Potions Professor was to her; he did have an acrid tongue. He had been snapping at her for no good reason. She met his eyes boldly and said to him in a somewhat cold and clipped tone of hers.

"I must ask questions because it isn't my fault that I've been declared magical all of a sudden, should I add after sixteen years of my existence."

"It's alright Miss Haimi, I understood your queries. But as of now, even we have no idea why you couldn't receive your letter at the proper time."

McGonagall looked at Svadhina's parents and asked them
" Did she do anything unexpected in her childhood, like setting up things on fire, or breaking things without touching them when angry or anything out of ordinary?"

"No professor and that's why her questions are legitimate." answered Mrs Haimi.

"I know professor how magical children behave. I assure you I've been living a completely ordinary life all these years. That's why it's still hard to believe that I'm magical." replied Svadhina.

"Then surely Albus must know. But there is no mistaking that you're magical and so we ask you to do as required." said Snape

She nodded in understanding.
"Now kindly excuse us, we must leave."

Lastly her parents greeted them and bid them goodbye. The professors left the residence and walked up to the apparition point and this time apparated straight to London.

Updated lovelies, please read and comment your views on it.

Until then bye bye....

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