Chapter 6

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When Lana got to the boys' house they settled her into the guest bedroom, she also got a nice tour around the place. It was big but nothing extravagant, Dream didn't seem like the type to think that a big house was necessary for two people, even if he had the money. They showed her their set-ups, even making her have to pick her favorite of the two. Not sure how to respond, she voted for Sapnap's, but Dream's did get points for sticking to a galaxy theme (LMAO I'm sorry, I had too).

"Were you guys wanting to go out tonight?" Sapnap asked, he leaned back on the couch, rubbing at his eyes.

"We should probably just keep things chill; Lana didn't sleep last night." Dream spoke up, he had been on his phone for most of the time Lana and Sapnap had been talking.

"No, it's fine, really-" Lana tried to come up with some excuse, she didn't want to ruin the evening because she was tired.

"We can watch something here, it's not a big deal." Sapnap grabbed his phone and opened the delivery app, "We can just get some food ordered here, we have to be up early tomorrow anyways."

Lana forced a smile, "Sounds good."

She had been trying to keep things as cool as possible but the air around her and Dream was so painfully awkward. They stuttered around basic conversations, even Sapnap had pointed it out a little. She was really trying, but everything he had been doing was so passive aggressive, earlier she had made a joke about playing bad at Twitch Rivals and he'd made some comment about how everyone was already expecting that. Maybe he had meant it to be funny, but the way he said it made Lana want to curl up and disappear.

Once the pizza got there, they turned on a movie, Lana and Sapnap suggested something scary, but Dream whined until they landed on an action movie. Only 45 minutes into it and Sapnap was already snoring on the couch, "Aww, he fell asleep." Lana laughed quietly, trying her best not to wake him.

"He does that everytime we watch something together." Dream's lips curved up into a smile, before he tossed a pillow at his friend, "Go to bed, I'm not carrying you after the movie ends."

Sapnap grumbled before getting up and stumbling towards the hall. Dream turned and looked at Lana, a grin dancing across his face, she suddenly became very aware of how it was just the two of them left, "If you didn't really want to watch this we can turn it off..." She hoped he didn't feel like he just had to finish this because she was watching.

"Oh, I was enjoying it but if you were wanting to go to bed..." Dream stuttered just as awkwardly, which made Lana feel a bit better.

"I was too, but I just wanted to make sure you didn't feel obligated." She looked down at her hands, fiddling her fingers against each other.

"Trust me, I don't feel obligated."

What was that supposed to mean? Was that a good thing? Was he telling her that he did want to be here on the couch with her, just the two of them, completely alone, watching a movie in the dark? Or was he just pretending that he didn't feel obligated so that she wouldn't think he was feeling obligated, but he really was feeling obligated?

Oh god, the trail of thinking that was moving through Lana's mind gave her motion sickness.

"Oh, alright then." She turned back towards the screen, aware of the pair of eyes that still stared at her.

They finished the movie and gave each other awkward stuttering goodbyes, before heading off to their rooms, which happened to be right across from each other. They stared at each other for a second before Lana turned the knob on her door, quickly rushing into the safety behind the wood wall. The man confused her so much, she couldn't tell if he hated her or if he was just a jerk. One minute he's making passive aggressive comments and then the next, everything is fine. She curled up into a ball, pulling open her phone, she scrolled through her texts, he was too much to think about right then.

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