Chapter 5

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Lana was standing by her gate, sipping from the iced mocha she had waited 45 minutes in line for, she sent up a silent prayer that the baristas remembered almond milk. Looking around the crowded waiting area she knew that the flight was going to be packed, and an upset stomach was not something she needed to deal with. But with the way her anxiety had been attacking her this morning, the dairy might not make much of a difference.

A voice from the intercom woke her from her thoughts, and Lana boarded her plane. She was closer to the back and seated by the window, at least that would make the flight a bit more bearable. An older man sat himself in the middle, smiling kindly at Lana, she grinned back.

"Going on vacation?" He asked her, setting his book on the small tray in front of himself.

"A work trip, but it's sort of like a vacation, I guess." It was technically a work trip, but her job was something she loved doing so it felt mostly like a vacation.

"I'm flying back from my work, what do you do?"

"I do content creation, for youtube and other social media." Having to answer this question always made Lana cringe, she hated having to tell people that she streamed video games. He didn't seem like the type to ask her channel name and then proceed to play a video of her out loud though, so that was good.

"Good for you, young lady. I heard that's where the money is these days." She smiled and nodded at his congratulations, he opened his book and proceeded to begin reading.

Lana gazed out at the clouds while music played in her headphones. She'd tried watching something or reading a book, but her thoughts kept distracting her. What if she was out of place at the competition? What if she did really badly and completely embarrassed herself? Suddenly Lana began to forget how to do the most basic functions, causing a wave of panic to wash over her. She was being ridiculous, it was just her anxiety, everything would be fine, just fine.





Oh god, she still had to stay with Sapnap and Dream...

Dream, what if he was totally annoyed with her the entire time? He probably would be, and that would just make everything so uncomfortable. She took another deep breath, "Just remember what Ingrid said, he wouldn't have invited me if he didn't want to." She whispered to herself, wiping her palms against her legs, they were covered in sweat.

That was Lana's least favorite thing about her panic attacks, her palms always got so sweaty and sometimes her face would turn a bright red color. Making her anxiety pretty hard to ignore.

"We landed." The old man told her, Lana glanced up to see some people standing and stretching out their arms. She must have completely missed the announcements, pulling out her phone, she sent Sapnap a quick text.

lame person

Landed btw


We're almost there

That little word made Lana's throat dry, "we're".

She just needed to calm down, at some point she was going to have to see him, that was inevitable. It was just happening sooner than she'd expected, and that was okay. Things out of her comfort zone weren't always bad, that's what Ingrid had said that time they made Lana sing karaoke with them. After that experience Lana had decided that not everything out of her comfort zone was bad, but things out of her comfort zone that Ingrid suggested were.

She was grabbing her bag from the luggage area when she heard a familiar voice call her name, "Lana!" She turned to see Sapnap, he was wearing a hat and a hoodie from his own merch line, he should be glad Dream didn't come in with him. He was not going to get a lot of points for keeping things inconspicuous.

"Sap!" Lana gave him a quick hug and he grabbed the bag out of her hand, "Oh, thank you."

She followed him out the doors, and the two of them stood at the long road, "Dream said he would wait in the line, everyone decided today was a great day to fly to Orlando, I've never seen this place so crowded."

"It's my bad luck." Lana grinned, the two of them had a long running joke that Lana brought bad luck.

"You'd better keep that bad energy away from our twitch rival chances." He nudged her with his shoulder, and she smiled, "No promises."

A car pulled up by them and Lana saw a tall figure in the driver's seat, the windows were slightly tinted so it was hard to tell exactly what they looked like, but she could make out a head of fluffy dirty blonde hair.

"That's Dream." Sapnap opened the trunk and threw Lana's bags in, they made a loud thud.

"Hey!" She cried, "Careful with those, they're full of lots of valuables."

"Sureee..." Sapnap smirked, and threw open the backdoor, "You can sit in shotgun, I'm feeling generous today."

Lana gulped, and placed her hand on the handle, she took deep breaths.





She climbed into the passenger's side, and turned to look straight into a pair of green eyes, "Hi." Dream smirked, he was really good looking, like really good looking.

"Hi." She said back, her voice was soft.

Dream stared into her hazel eyes for a few seconds before he put the car back in drive and navigated their way out of the busy parking lot. Sapnap turned up the music, and Lana could hear him singing along in the back. She tried to calm herself but it was hard to focus when she had so many thoughts whirring around her brain.

"Hopefully the flight wasn't too bad." Dream turned to look at her for a split second, before glancing back to make the right turn.

"It was good, I got a good seat and the man next to me was really nice." She weakly smiled, "I didn't go to bed last night so I just tried to sleep."

Dream's face showed a look of concern, he had freckles spotted across his nose and cheeks, "You didn't sleep?"

"It wasn't worth it." If she had to be up at 3:30am then it was not worth it to go to bed, instead she stayed up and drank one too many red bulls.

"You're funny." He grinned.

Oh god, his smile sent butterflies through Lana's stomach.

"Can you turn up the volume, this song is good." Sapnap asked, leaning his head forward. Lana turned the knob and the music drowned everything else out.

She turned to look out the window, mouthing the lyrics to the song, making sure not to sing loudly.

While she was distracted she didn't notice the green eyes studying her features, the way the sun reflected off her hair or the way she would smile at the views she liked. Just like the way he smiled when he stared at her. 

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