Chapter 19: Anything Goes

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After Cinder announcement was made the attack on Beacon started. As both grimms and Atlas robot started attacking Vale and Beacon. At Beacon Eren Weiss and Blake with some Atlas soldiers are fighting off grimms, Atlas robots and WFM, as they were fighting off the attack, the ground started to shake as a mountain started falling a part as Wyvern fly out of it.

OOO: What the...

Kuwagata! Kamakiri! Batta! (Buzz) Ga~ta Gata-gata-kiriba! Gatakiriba!

Eren then multiply into 7 as they all turn their belt and change medals


Kuwagata! Kamakiri! Batta! (Buzz) Ga~ta Gata-gata-kiriba! Gatakiriba!

Kuwagata! Kamakiri! Batta! (Buzz) Ga~ta Gata-gata-kiriba! Gatakiriba!

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Lion! Tora! Cheetah! (Roar) La-ta La-ta, La-tora~~tar!

Lion! Tora! Cheetah! (Roar) La-ta La-ta, La-tora~~tar!

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Sai! Gorilla! Zou! (Dull thud) Sagohzo... (Drum beat) Sagohzo!

Shachi! Unagi! Tako! (Splash) Sha-Sha-Shauta, Sha-Sha-Shauta!

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Shachi! Unagi! Tako! (Splash) Sha-Sha-Shauta, Sha-Sha-Shauta!

Shachi! Unagi! Tako! (Splash) Sha-Sha-Shauta, Sha-Sha-Shauta!

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