Chapter 8: A Faunus Friend

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Ozpin POV

Team CFVY was in my office and they are requesting me from something that I won't expect.

Ozpin: So let me get this straight, you want to bring Eren Kuuga from team RWBY to your next mission?

Coco: Yes, sir.

Ozpin: Straight why would you want a first year who haven't gone to a single mission, to go with you one a grimms extermination mission?

Coco: Well you see, we been looking at the first years and we see his potential and we want to help him out.

Ozpin: Normally I won't accept this but since this is Eren Kuuga we are talking about. I could make an exception.

Coco: Thank you, we will be informing him about his mission.

They then walk out if the room

Glynda: Ozpin are you sure about this?

Ozpin: I'm positive. Eren Kuuga the adopted son of Summer Rose, he is a special one.

Glynda: You mean a trouble maker.

Ozpin: He isn't just some trouble maker, he is an anarchist, he fight for freedom, he fight for what he thinks is right. At the age of 7 he already learned to kill, grimms and people. If we don't influence him on what right and what wrong we might me losing a valuable asset in this war.

I then turn to Glynda

Ozpin: He like to be free, he doesn't like to be hold back because of some rules. He is willing to break it.

Glynda: Yeah like the 3 times he break your arms.

Ozpin: Don't mention it. I don't want to remember it.




The Rose/Xiao Long family was on mission, Qrow was already on a mission,  Yang and Ruby was in a school trip for 2 days, Eren(9) was sent to Beacon so Ozpin can watch over him. Because he's the one who insisted that Summer should go on this mission. Ozpin got in a argument with Eren because he don't want him to ran off somewhere he can't find. In the end Eren was fighting grimms in the Emerald Forest while Glynda is keeping an eye on him after Eren breaking Ozpin arms.


Ozpin invited Eren(14) to Beacon but he refused. After sometime Ozpin and Ironwood want to test how strong Eren is compared to Alats first year student, he agree but got bored after beating the students in every thing except intelligence and wanted leave but they refuse so he break both their arms before flying home.


Ozpin make a deal with Eren(17) that when both his sister went to Beacon he will have to join them and he don't have to do the test. Immediately after the deal was made, he walk in a interrogation room to invited Ruby to Beacon, Eren was pissed that he been played before he go Tai ask him for some help and when he done he fly to Beacon, he saw Ruby was about to get hit, he help her then fly to Ozpin to break his arm.

Flashback end

Coco POV

Eren: You want me to join you in a mission?

Coco: Yes, we see your ability and want you to join us.

Eren: Why didn't you ask some other team? Why ask a first year team?

Coco: Like I said we saw your ability and you to join us to improve.

Eren: Is there any rules that I have to follow?

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