"Always You"

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Jihoon spent a lot of time in Hyunsuk's studio, so Junkyu went on a friendship date with Yoshi.


Junkyu was super surprised as he watched the time on his phone. It wasn't anywhere near early, as it was almost 11 am. However, for someone deep in sleep even around 1 pm, it was quite a shock that he was already awake by 2 hours prior to his usual time.

Maybe it was because he was missing the much needed warmth from his boyfriend, Jihoon, who slept by his side almost everyday. Then again, Jihoon is an early bird, so he always left Junkyu's side early morning. Junkyu was trying to find out the reason behind his abrupt breakage of sleep, but ended up with nothing. Sighing, he stood up.

After finishing his morning routine, Junkyu sat down on his bed again. He checked, no schedule for that day, meaning it was a much needed free day for them. Junkyu happily dialled in Jihoon's number, obviously wanting to spend his free day with his boyfriend.

"Jihoon ah!" He cheered once the other picked up. It was an achievement for him to wake up at this hour. He wanted to boast it off to his lover.

"Kyu? You're up this early!?" Jihoon spoke in surprise on the other side.

"Yep!" Junkyu emphasized on the 'p' a bit, "So, where are you?"

"Oh, I'm at Hyunsuk hyung's studio." Jihoon said, "We need to work on a song together."

"Oh...Have you already started?" Junkyu's tone sounded a bit disappointed.

"Umm... not yet." Jihoon replied, a bit hesitant, "We're actually watching a soccer match together. We'll start our work after finishing it."

Junkyu pouted, even though Jihoon couldn't' see it. It was his habit actually. "Does it have to be today? Can't you ditch it and come spend time with me today?" Junkyu asked.

"Babe I-" A sigh was heard on the other side, "We won't be having enough time if we skip it today."

"But today is out free day, Jihoon ah." Junkyu complained, "What's the rush? We aren't gonna have a comeback anytime soon!"

"Junkyu," Jihoon called, "Look, this is important, hmm? I have to do it."

"More than hanging out with me?" Junkyu acted a bit childish. You can't blame him, for the last few days, or maybe weeks, Jihoon had been super busy. So his craving for some quality time with Jihoon was a given.

"Babe, don't be like this, please!" Jihoon sounded a bit annoyed, "You're just gonna call me to your room and then you'll ask me to fall asleep by your side."

"But isn't it a good thing? We can hug each other to sleep like this!" Junkyu argued.

"But Kyu! Hanging out doesn't mean sleeping together always! You know I like going out, yet you never go out with me!" Jihoon complained through the phone.

"Fine!" Junkyu snapped, "Do your work!" then he hung up all of a sudden. He thought Jihoon would call him back, but no. Maybe Jihoon was mad himself.

Junkyu took some time and thought things through. Jihoon wasn't exactly wrong. Junkyu never agreed to go outside with Jihoon, when he clearly knew the other liked to explore. Because Jihoon always prioritized his wish, they ended up hanging out in the small room of Junkyu. Maybe now it was time Junkyu sacrificed?

The said boy stood up, went near his locker. He chose a nice dress and a beret. Jihoon once said that he loved to see Junkyu in berets.

Junkyu headed to Hyunsuk's studio in the company building. He could wait for their work to finish, then they could hang out.

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