Chapter 24: What am I? (Eru)

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"Remember, Eru: We are not among the innocents. As agents of GUILD, our accomplishments will never see the light of day. History books will never record what we did and no one else will know how much we sacrificed", my grandpa said.

"So is that why I, an eight year old, must learn C#?" I asked.

"You're already eight and you can't even hack through a simple security system like this! You can't save anyone at this rate!"

"But I'm still tired from training this morning!"

"And that's why you're training right now! You should be able to do something like this even if you're not at your 100%!"

That's right. From a very young age, I was trained to have a double life. Every single second was spent to make sure I would be a great GUILD agent who could continue the family business and protect the world from the shadows.

Even if I wasn't as great as my mom, dad, grandpa, and my other relatives in fights and infiltrations, I was quite good at information gathering. I didn't have to worry about gunfire and other dangerous things as I worked behind the scenes.

So why was I hauling a black-haired beastman towards a battlefield in a city taken over by rebels? I was just a regular desk agent! This was definitely out of my responsibilities!

Four large white creatures appeared without any warning in the battlefield where Jun-kun and the others were supposed to be fighting. I had to get over there and...

And what?

The last time a Dump File attacked, I almost lost my life. If it weren't for Cyan Nyan, I would be deep underneath the ground... or maybe turned into ashes depending on what is the common funeral rite in this world.

But for some reason, my legs were pushing me to go to the battlefield. Jun-kun wasn't the only one there. Even if he was a god-like being with cheat abilities, he would probably have a hard time protecting people while fighting.

That's right... I was an agent of GUILD no matter which world or Server I was in. And a good agent was an agent who acted in the best interests of everyone.

Explosions appeared on each of the Dump Files' faces and a few seconds later, thousands of swords materialized out of nowhere and skewered the Dump Files.

I should've known that Jun-kun could easily defeat them. Looks like my worries weren't needed.

But I could still help in the battlefield, I think. I already accomplished my goal of capturing Kageyama Shien and things should be fine. If I was correct, Jun-kun was planning to liberate this city from the rebels.

Getting rid of rebels was actually a good move since we couldn't afford to have a war while gathering the transported people. It was best to nip any potential problems in the bud before they would fully blossom.

And then gravity became weird. The moment I tried to sprint, it became a leap and I almost crashed to a wall. Even Kageyama Shien's unconscious body became lighter.

Jun-kun must've weakened gravity with his Coder abilities but the question here was why? Was he fighting someone who was able to force him to use this kind of tactic?

I got to the battlefield and saw machine guns near Jun-kun firing at a wall. When the machine guns stopped, the wall began emitting a violet light and in the next second, it disappeared.

Two hands made from the ground rose beside Jun-kun and attempted to catch him but he managed to fly away.

"I didn't expect you to weaken gravity. It seems you are slightly more competent than I thought", a cloaked person appeared in the middle of the battlefield.

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