Chapter 6: It's out of my jurisdiction, but oh well (Jun)

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"Hey there", I greeted the rabbitwoman who was trying hard to push a cart.

"Oh... Hello, peko", she greeted back.

"I got a question, where's the nearest village?"

"Oh... Just follow this road and you'll arrive at Stonebell. It's my destination as well, peko."

She was visibly struggling with the cart. It would bother my conscience if I left her alone.

"If you want, I can push the cart for you", I offered.

"Really? But it's too heavy for you, peko. Even a beastwoman like me has a hard time pushing it. Maybe I should leave some carrots behind, peko."

"Don't worry. I got tricks on my sleeve", I said as I took her spot.

A violet screen appeared and I placed the command [Edit_mode_this].

Edit mode is a special ability that Coders have. They could "edit" any object they wanted. For example, I could "edit" a piece of paper to be harder than any rock or even turn into a solid gold. However, carelessly editing things would lead to Dump Files or worse, Bugs.

A screen appeared containing all the codes of the cart. I looked through it and found what I was looking for. I changed the codes to make it easier to push like decreasing the friction of the wheels and slightly altering how gravity would affect it. It shouldn't lead to problems.

"What magic is that?" the rabbitwoman asked.

"Hmmm.... It's hard to explain but it's sort of similar to Reality Magic... If such a thing exists in this Server", I answered as I pushed the cart.

"Reality Magic? What's that, peko?"

"Basically magic that would let me alter the physical laws of the world. For example, it should be impossible to move this cart thanks to the weight of the carrots. However, I used my "Reality Magic" to make the "impossible" into "possible" by lessening the cart's weight without actually removing anything."

"Lessening a weight without removing anything? Is that even possible, peko?"

"With my sort-of magic, then yeah... Isn't magic supposed to be able to do something that's normally impossible?"

"You got a point, peko."

We continued walking as I pushed the cart. Thanks to the changes in the cart's codes, I had no problem pushing despite it having large carrots. It was great that I could mask my abilities as "Reality Magic" even if I didn't know if there was actually a magic that could alter reality itself.

"You're not from around here, are you? I'm Pekora. What's your name?" she asked.

"My name is Jun Inazuma. I guess you could say I'm from the east", I answered. It wasn't technically a lie. I was seriously from the east...of another world.

"I see... And why did you travel to this place, peko?"

"I have a mission to find some of my people who got lost."

"Lost, peko?"

"Yeah... There's a slight accident which misplaced some people from my place and now it's my task to find and bring them back."

"Accident that misplaced people? Was there something wrong with teleportation magic or something, peko?"

"That sums it up pretty nicely."

But in this case, the "teleportation magic accident" caused people to be sent to another world. This was totally out of my jurisdiction as a Moderator but the Admin had no choice but to send me. I didn't learn how to deal with these kinds of situations when I was in the Academy.

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