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The world Kim Rok Soo who is now known as Cale is full of surprises it is wide and plenty of hiding places somewhere in the northern continent below a willow trees leaves hides a portal lead to a village.

On a certain daytime, three young lads jump out of the blue portal that was flickering with white-colored dust they wore similar black robes.

"So where is the man located!"

"Roan Empire"

"Oh! That close that's where the black sand is located correct?"

"No, we're going where the dark forest is located"

Two of the young lads frowned it was a load of work they have to travel that far to find a man.


"Let get to work!"

Under the roof of the rock villa, Cale sat on his rocking chair loving his beautiful slacker life.

Cale's reddish brown eyes were kept gazing at his children.

Hong and Raon along with their older sister were playing happily outside Cale's small garden.

Raon and Hong were playing tag while in their original form and under a shade made by a tree Ohn dressed nicely in a simple dress with simple jewels like she was watching her younger siblings instead of playing.

"Children grow up quite fast don't they?"

Rosalyn who was now the tower master of the new mage tower located in the free city.
was sitting on a chair not far from Cale.

Had her eyes fixed on her little brother figure playing with the other beast children.

Lock the wolf who was huge for his teen size was such a cute softie that Rosalyn would often raffle his hair none-stop.

Rosalyn had her usually bright warm smile looking at Lock while elegantly holding a tea cup containing a warm perfectly brewed hot tea.

Cale let out a scoffed seeing Rosalyn expression that was like an expression of a mother watching her child grew.

"I wouldn't be surprised if Lock had a lady in mind"

Cale who was slowly drifting to sleep flinched hearing that his eyes quickly turned to looked at On.

Rosalyn noticed this and sigh.

"Young master Cale, having someone to take interest in is part of growing up"

She said as she took a sip of her tea.

"In On's age and Lock they are bound to have love interest, you can't stopped it young master Cale..."

Rosalyn looked at Cale with hopelessness as Cale had a serious looked on his face that seem to planning something terrible.


Rosalyn thought as she shook her head the expression on Cale face remaineded her of father's would often have if she were to take interest in boy.

"Young master-Cale sure does make a good father"

Rosalyn said complimenting Cale.

"But young-master Cale their is a time where a father must only watched and not interfere with his child's love life, On and Lock are still growing they'll bound to have a few Ex's...I think"

Rosalyn said she was unsure as she never had any dating experience but with her mother who had plenty of Ex's she was sure that a growing teen will or will not have any Ex's depends.

"You are right Miss Rosalyn"

Cale said while sighing he still had his eyes fix on On then it went to Lock.

Rosalyn stood up from her chair while placing the now empty cup on the table she opened the door having the wind enter and blew making her wavy hair flutter.

A smile appeared on her face as she looked at Cale.

"Then I'll be off now young Master."

"Be safe Miss Rosalyn"

Rosalyn left after closing the door behind her.

A small white feather has gotten inside of the villa without the two of them noticing.

And somewhere in the free city three good looking young lads was attracting quite the attention from the young ladies both inside of the inn and outside.

"Wait that's it?"

A young man who's hair was a wavy brown asked, his bright pink eyes was glistening his confused face looked very cute.

"Yes that's it"

Another one who looked identical to the pink eyed young man said while white feathers was floating in his left palm.

"Why would the goddess chose them it's obvious they don't have feelings for each other"

Said the pink-eyed young man sounding quite disappointed.

The next one to talk was the oldest one.

"You moron's, Don look closely the goddess would never make us use a dangerous spell on two that had no feelings with each other"

The one named don was the identical twin who uses white feather's for ability.

"Ah. My they sure locked up everything"

Don said.


Don's identical twin Xon asked.

"Very well, will proceed as planned"

Don and Xon nod their head and stood up from their seat to follow their oldest.

Cale woke up from his nap and touched the back of his neck that was cold.

'Is something bad going to happen?'

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