02|| Figure You Out

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Elijah sat in his car seeing his brother run out of the girls dorm. He shook his head as Tyler got into the car "you know you can drive yourself to hockey practice. So how much money did you give her this time?" He said backing out of the parking lot driving down the street.

Tyler ran out of the building putting his hoodie on getting inside of the car closing the door behind him seeing his brother shake his head "Like 50 I don't know I didn't count it. And you know that I can't drive myself to practice cuz my car is still in the shop."

Elijah looked over at his brother then rolled his eyes "You could take the bus you know. At least until you your truck fixed." He said pulling into the parking lot of the arena turning the car off getting out grabbing his gear from the backseat.

Tyler glared at his older brother as he got out of the truck "I rather be caught dead in a ditch before I take the bus to and from practice."He said getting out grabbing his gear from the backseat.

8 hours later

Both boys walked out of the hockey arena covered in sweat and breathing heavily. Tyler walked to the car opening the door "so what are we getting for dinner?" He said putting his gear in the front seat getting in the car.

Elijah got in the car turning it on then put his gear in the backseat "I was probably gonna go get some ice cream then decide from there but whatever you want I'm fine with." He said pulling out of the parking lot driving back into town.

Phoenix sat in her dorm room doing her homework then got up going to her part of the closet grabbing a hoodie then closed it grabbing her phone and dorm keys from the bedside table then walked out of room closing and locking the door. After a few minutes of asking where a ice cream shop was she finally found one a few shops from her dorm.

Elijah dropped his brother off back at the girls dorm and pulled out of the parking lot driving around the corner pulling into the ice cream shop parking lot and got out of the car grabbing his backpack from the passenger seat.

The Night Keepers||Book 1Where stories live. Discover now