Chapter 143: Outdoor Livestream

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Translator: Noodletown Translations  Editor: Noodletown Translations

Shen Cang, an instructor of Earth House, loved to eat in Jinxiang Restaurant while listening to the story.

In the past few days, the restaurant started to tell the story of Diablo. The story fascinated him so much that he came to this place every day.

“Instructor Bai, the new story named Diablo is enthralling!”

“Yeah. How powerful do you think Andariel is?”

“Who knows? They say she is a very powerful demon!”


In the early morning, Shen Cang chatted with an instructor with the surname Bai while they walked to their offices.

Yu Liang was walking slowly ahead of them while he thought about whom he should introduce the game to. Without noticing, Shen Cang and the other instructor caught up with him, talking about Diablo in a loud voice.

Hearing the names in Diablo in their talk, Yu Liang was startled. What? Andariel?! Such a unique name is unmistakable!

“Instructor Bai! Instructor Shen! Are you talking about Diablo?!” Yu Liang shivered.

They are so bold and talking about Diablo in the public!

“Instructor Yu! You know Diablo too?” Shen Cang’s eyes lit up when he found a fan of Diablo here! After all, the academy was far from Tianfu Street, and not many people traveled so far to listen to the story!

“You all know it?” Yu Liang was stupefied.

“Yeah!” They were familiar with each other, and Shen Cang was thrilled when he learned that Yu Liang was also a fan. He said with a laugh, “Besides me and Instructor Bai, some other instructors are also fans of Diablo!”

“Really?!” Yu Liang had thought that he was alone, but now with a group of people sharing his interest, he didn’t have to worry about getting teammates.

Pleasantly surprised, he said, “I’m surprised that you all…”

He glanced around, thinking that it wasn’t right to make their interest in the game known to the public.

He asked immediately, “What class do you think is more powerful?”

“Paladins are great. Paladins have powerful defense and offensive skills. They even can use spiritual spells!”

“Sorcerers are powerful too. They have all kinds of awesome spiritual spells. When they use Inferno, it kills groups of monsters!”

“Don’t you think assassins are powerful?” Yu Liang said with disapproval, “They can inflict great damage!”

“You mean that guy who only sneak-attacks? His strikes are fatal, but he looks chilly to me.”

“Instructor Yu, you like that assassin?”

Soon, they went into a heated discussion on their way to their offices, feeling excited that they shared an interest in a new thing!

Without noticing, they talked about Diablo for a while.

However, Yu Liang felt that something was not right.

For example, the other two would toss out the names of the characters, which made him wonder, How come I don’t know these names? Is it because I just began playing the game?

“No way! How can Blood Raven drop items?” Shen Cang also felt like something was wrong.

“Didn’t you pick them up?” Yu Liang looked at them with a strange expression.

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