Chapter 1

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   I was a pretty happy child growing up, as a member of the Uchiha clan I was a highly skilled shinobi even as a child. Me and my twin brother Itachi Uchiha were both very advanced and became shinobi at a very young age. By the time we were 11 we had both joined anbu. After joining Anbu however I started to feel like Itachi was becoming more distance, I would only find out why later. I had noticed he would be more reserved, Talk less, observe more. It was clear to me he had something on his mind but if ever I asked he would brush it off like it was nothing. Even though Itachi was acting strange life went on. We still would talk and spent the majority of our time with either Shisui or Sasuke. Shisui was my and Itachi's closeted friend. I also happened to be in love with him. I told Itachi about this and I was planning to confess to Shisui soon enough.

   Sadly I never got the chance. Once I had heard of Shisui's death I broke down. I wouldn't shower, eat or even leave my room. I talked to no one. Itachi didn't even try to comfort me but I assumed he was just grieving as well. I never had experienced such pain, I truly loved him with all my heart and he was gone just like that. I never could tell him I loved him. I vowed from that day on I would never allow another person to replace him, I would honor my love for him until the day I died. Unbeknownst to me I would soon be experiencing more tragedy then I could've ever imagined...

  After I had finally come to terms with Shisui's death  Itachi was busy and sent me to get Sasuke from academy. Once I picked up Sasuke we headed back to the compound. On the walk back I could feel something was off about Itachi when he sent me to get Sasuke. It was something in his eyes. It was a look that said I'm sorry, As if he had done something horrible. 

  When we had finally arrived I smelled blood in the air. We  stepped through the gates of the Uchiha compound and I could feel the heaviness in the air. I told Sasuke to stand behind me as we walked through the compound. I saw many of my fellow Uchiha dead on the ground as shredded corpses. We entered our house to find none other than Itachi standing over our parents cold, dead bodies. "Itachi" I whispered, I was already holding back my tears. "Itachi, Father and Mother are...I- Don't..Understand..What have you done!?! Big brother?" Sasuke asked as Itachi stood cold faced. 

  Itachi didn't respond. He activated his Mangekyou sharingan and trapped us in a genjutsu. Powerless we watched him decemate our clan, our friends and our family. After what seemed like hours it finally ended. We looked up to see Itachi standing over us. Sasuke tried to attacked him as soon as the genjutsu was released." I yelled for him to stop but it was too late. Itachi punched him in the gut and sent him flying back to me. I grabbed hold of him and he curled into me. "I'm scared, I'm scared! Please I don't wanna die" He whispered into my shoulder hoping I could do anything to stop this. However I knew I couldn't, I wasn't strong enough. Not to mention that it was my own twin, As much as I wanted to hate him in that moment I couldn't. He was my own blood and matter what he did I don't know if I could ever hate him. So I sat there, And did nothing.  

    And something else was bothering me. He had somehow unlocked Mangekyou sharingan and I hadn't. When did he get it, How? How was I supposed to fight that, could I fight it even if I tried? More importantly if I was fighting Itachi, he would have an opening to attack Sasuke. Something I could not afford at the moment. But I needed to know, Why did this happen. There's no way Itachi would do this.  Is someone making him doing this? I had to know. What could cause Itachi to turn on his own family. So I could only ask "... why did you kill them Itachi?" I asked, tears finally escaping my eyes as I spoke. He took a moment to think before saying  "You both have the potential to become my opponent, You are both people who could be able to use the Mangekyou sharingan just like me. However on one condition, You must kill your closest friend...Just like I did." I was shocked, Unable to speak. Does that mean...He killed Shisui. My love, our dearest friend, Shisui. And itachi was the one who killed him. Sasuke was the first to break the silence "That was...Your doing...? Big Brother, You...Killed Shisui?!" Sasuke screamed.

  "That's right... and because of that I obtained these eyes. You two will become some of the few people including myself to utilize the Mangekyou sharingan. However at present, You are not worth killing. And one day when you have the same eyes as I do, come stand before me." Itachi replied.  "Itachi! Tell- Tell me this is all some cruel joke. That those are fake bodies in the court yard Tell me you didn't kill shisui, Your not really the one who killed our clan. Itachi please, Tell me your on our side, MY SIDE! Itachi...I loved him, I loved our family and their all dead. You're my brother itachi you knew I loved Them. Yet you killed them. Every single one of them. could you do this. You've killed everything I held pressioud!" I sobbed, He looked back at me as if he wanted to say it wasn't him, As if he wanted to mourn with us and as if he didn't want to do this. But he didn't say a word. He vanished and left us there, alone.

   I felt selfish. I was only thinking about myself. I wanted to stay here and mourn for our parents, our clan, Shisui. I wanted to break down in the middle of the destroyed Uchiha district and cry until I passed out. But I couldn't, No I still had Sasuke. I had to keep him safe. I needed to find Itachi, He wouldn't do this to us, not willingly. I needed answers. But first Sasuke. Sasuke had fallen to his knees and was clearly unable to move. I picked myself up and grabbed him into a hug he began sobbing as I carried him away from the Uchiha district.

  After walking mindlessly I found myself in front of the Hokage tower. After meeting with the Hokage and making arrangements for Sasuke he took me aside in a private room with security seals. He told me something I'd never dream possible. He told me Itachi was given an order from a higher up to take out the Uchiha clan. I sworn to secrecy and was not to tell a soul, not even Sasuke. I was the only one notified because in the eye's of  Konoha I was an adult and now the leader of the Uchiha clan... I walked out of his office to find Sasuke asleep on a bench. It seemed  he had been waiting for me. I bent down to his level and lightly shook him awake. 

  "Sasuke. Sasuke I have to find Itachi. I need answers and I can't wait for the truth to come to light, I'm going to find him Sasuke I promise. To do that I will have to leave and you can't come with me." He began to cry. "Sasuke I swear to you I will come back. I just..I have to know, As much as he was your brother he was mine and as his twin I feel the need to know how he could turn on us, on the clan. I can't hate him Sasuke. I know you want to hate him right now but for my sake please don't, Please Sasuke. Be responsible and kind, Make friends and live a good life. I will be back I promise." And with that I left him on his own. I ran home as fast as I could. I ignored the empty stares of cold bodies and grabbed what few things I could carry on my back. That is how my journey to find Itachi began. For the first few months I found no trace of him until I heard he had joined up with the akatsuki. It turns out it was a lot easier to track the group than just one person...

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