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Everything I use here is mine, except BTS and the members, as I made the plot and the plot is made up for your entertainment.

Knowing that I passed out last night after seeing Hita, I quickly became stiff after remembering last nights events. Grandma got killed and it was all my fault.

"Isa? I'm coming in,"

Seeing how it was Hita, I quickly went under the covers, not wanting her to see my face anymore. I make her so worried about me because of all my problems and she has a dead grandmother to go with it.

Feeling the bed dip a little, I knew she was sitting beside me, a little sigh was heard.

"You think if I told you those weeks ago when you took care of Min-Su to come straight home, this would all happen?"

I thought about it for a second before realising I would be in the same situation except I wouldn't be back here but in Mr. Park's hands again.

"Min-Su told me what really happened, you should really listen to him,"

"I don't care about him anymore!"

"Oh, did you not care when he kissed you on the lips,"

Quickly taking off the covers and looking at Hita, she was grinning with the success of catching my attention.

"How do you know about that,"

"Min-Su told me, the man is easy to persuade when you do some 'things'-"

"What did you do to him!"

"Oh, you're being very protective of him even though you just said you didn't care about him at all,"

She was right, I should hate him but something didn't sit right with me from yesterday.


"So what?"

"Is he a good kisser?"


"I'm just asking, maybe I should ditch Bae-Hoo and get with Min-Su instead,"

"No, you can't! He's mine! You can't have him!"

"Oh is that right? If so, you wouldn't mind me showing this to Min-Su himself would you?"

Holding her phone up, I realised that she recorded our whole conversation, including my little rant. Trying to grab for it, Hita quickly stood and headed towards the door.

"If you two don't make up in the next week, I'll show this to him,"

Before I could answer, she quickly closed the door, leaving me speechless. Good to see her at her usual matchmaking self.

Getting out of the bed, I managed to make it out of my room before seeing Min-Su about to leave the house.


He stepped back into the house with my voice, looking over to see me.

"Isabella, are you okay from yesterday?"

"Um, yes, I just wanted to say I'm sorry-"

"It's alright,"

"But it's not-"

"This is beginning to be a hobby now, proving you wrong,"

The minute he finished that sentence, he closed the door gently, not being one bit angry at me.

Why is everything nice to me even when I push them away. I don't deserve this home, Hita and especially not Min-Su. Well whoever he is...

The Idol Librarian ♍ K.NJ Where stories live. Discover now