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Author's Pov

Sebastian paused the moment his foot stepped out of the factory, the rain was ready to touch him but his driver instantly covered him with an umbrella. He narrowed his eyes tilting his head to the side eyeing the place where he left the broken girl behind.

He took a deep breath before turning his hazy gaze toward one of his men, "Stay here," He began to order the masked man who obediently listened to him.

"Keep an eye on her, make sure she reaches her house without any problem." The man nodded his head walking to the other side of the factory. Sebastian finally strolled towards his car and entered it before letting her thoughts invade his senses.

Bellaria Hayes, the same girl he witnessed on the beach. Sebastian wouldn't deny the fact that he was left awestruck and surprised after seeing the same girl who wasn't ready to leave his mind, that broken doleful girl he had seen on the beach that day. No wonder, why she looked dejected so much. It was her father's funeral day.

The moment he saw her face he wanted nothing but to discover the color of her eyes, he had no idea why he was so interested in knowing how deep and captivating her eyes are, he just knew he wanted to see them. And indeed those ocean pearls were the most beautiful yet hypnotizing stones he ever witnessed before.

But the moment he remembered her fearless gaze and full of hatred glare his jaw twitched in displease, how much he wanted to teach her a lesson to never try to subdue him, never try to behave like he was not superior. He fucking hated the look she gave him like he had no control, dominance, or slightest bit of effect over her.

Heaving out a dry sigh he shook his head grabbed the papers and watched her signs on the paper, but suddenly something caught his eye. A teardrop. There was a dry teardrop on the side of her signature. He moved his thumb over the smudged dried-up water before abruptly closing the file.

"It's done, this will be the last time I am meeting her, just forget about her." He mumbled to himself before distracting himself from her thoughts but like a persistent magnet those thoughts kept on messing up his brain.

Meanwhile, on the other hand, Bella finally gathered the strength to push her numb cold body off the floor before steadily standing up on her injured knees. With her lifeless hand, she grasped the strap of her bag and swung it over her shoulder.

Walking numbly under the heavy rain she didn't try to hide away from it anymore, she let the merciless water conceal her pathetic tears. The man who was left behind by Sebastian followed the girl till she was in front of her house. He stared at her until the door of the house abruptly got unlatched and finishing his work he left the place.

Bella stared blankly at the door hearing it desperately being unlocked, the tears were still falling over her cheeks but the rain which had dampened her wholly successfully hid her tears but the sorrow behind her eyes was still on display.

Sarah stared at her sister with wide stupendous eyes before scanning her from head to toe, Bella's wet shirt was covered with dirt and her skirt had dark blotches of blood on it which indeed was hers. Her knees were still slightly bleeding. Sarah stepped ahead gently holding her sister's shoulder making Bella look into her brown worried eyes.

"Bella, what happened?" She whispered decreasing the distance. Bella's tears streamed down even more which added to Sarah's anxiety.

"Bella, you're scaring me, what happened? You look like a mess, wait," She blinked gulping down.

"D-Did someone --" Before she could even continue Bella nodded her head making Sarah gasp out in horror.

"W-Who?" She stammered.

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