Chapter 41 prt. 2

Começar do início

"J-just that hood I guess..."

Maia managed to smile. "Good, stay conscious ok?"

Katski nodded. Maia then ripped a fold of cloth from her shirt and tired it around a wooden broomstick that had broken in half long ago. She tied the cloth firm around one end, and then held it out. "I need you to bite down on this ok? It will hopefully make sure you don't bite your tongue off."

"W-why would I...mpf!"

She shoved the stick into his mouth, cutting him off. "Because...this is probably going to hurt a lot."

* * *

It was painful. I could feel his pain as if it was a fraction of my own soul crying, like I was drawing it into myself. If that were true, I would have gladly taken all of it. I would have taken all that pain from his body if only so that I didn't have to hear the way he screamed.

After Maia had put together the makeshift bite, she had rattled off a list of things for Sage to run and get from the house while she instructed Katski on keeping his eyes open and and out. She had no supplies with her, so she had apologized profoundly before placing the bite in his mouth and ordering me to hold him down. I did so. Though I didn't know why. Not until she began to pinch into the wound to remove pieces of wood and dirt that had gotten inside. The way Katski's body arched at her touch and the way his jaw clenched around the broom as it muffled his cries was like a paralyzer in my chest. It numbed me, until it was like I couldn't feel anything — anything but the sight of his pain. Still, I forced myself not to break down in front of him — not when he needed me strong. I held him and did my best to whisper calming words in his ear.

"It's ok, it's're doing's almost over...almost over I promise...just hang in there, ok?"

Sage made it back — fifteen minutes later? Ten? I didn't count. But I knew she must have run at full speed, there and back, to get here as quick as she did. The wolf heaved as she burst through the door and dropped a grey medicine bag at Maia's side. She was panting heavily, but other than that, she stood straight, as if ready for another task as soon as we needed her. I tried to thank her — but Maia was already bustling around and giving me instructions on what to do to help her.

There were a lot of things in the bag — some typical first aid supplies, others...not so much. The first thing Maia did was pull out a jar of green honey-looking substance and pour it onto Katski's shoulder without so much as a second of warning. He jerked, but managed to hold in whatever scream had emerged from his throat.

Maia worked calm and efficiently, focused in a way I had never seen before. He used two fingers to spread the salve while she murmured calming words — to all of us. For all the immaturity she showed when we were together, seeing her now as she worked to save someone I cared about was...was like seeing a whole new side of her.

Was this determined young adult the person she had been becoming all this time? And had I been too self-absorbed for too long to see it?

"You're doing great, Katski...just a little longer."

Once she was done with the salve, she blew on it until she was satisfied, and then she started to pinch together the skin, drawing it close so that the salve would hold the wound closed. Then she took out the white bandages and began to wrap his torso while instructing me to help him sit up so she could get his shoulder.

"Ok...we're done for now." I could have sworn the whole cabin slumped with the release of tension.

Katski's body was slumped against mine like a limp rag doll, completely worn out. I ever so carefully shifted him so that his shoulder was not being weighed on in any way, and rested him in my lap.

" still with me?" My voice shook despite the humour I tried to hide it with, but I didn't care. My fingers, though crusted with red, worked through his hair in soft strokes. In response, he shifted closer, leaning into my touch while his closed eyes squeezed tightly. He turned his face into me, as if trying to bury himself in my shirt. I didn't think I should be concerned — until his body began to tremble.

"I-I'm sorry..." he whispered, hands shaking.

In a flash, I had his shaking hand in mine, momentarily forgetting that we weren't the only two there in that cabin. "Hey, don't you dare start fucking apologizing. You did nothing wrong. Nothing, you hear?" I took a breath, looking down at him. I could see the fear in his eyes.

I knew what that fear was. The fear that everything had fallen apart, the fear that what we had wouldn't be put together. Now that someone would we stay a secret? And if we weren't a secret, what happened to him? To me? To us?

We had the same thoughts and shared the same fears in those moments, but, that didn't mean I had to share the burden. It was for me to figure out. He had been tough enough.

"Sleep ok," I told him, stroking over his knuckles as I pressed my forehead to his. His eyes fluttered, but I could see him trying to fight and stay awake. I kissed his temple, staring into his eyes with promise. "Don't worry, I'll be right here when you wake up."

Hey! I'm NOT dead! Sorry for the wait, I've been so unbelievably busy lately it's crazy — without time to write, I'm going crazy 😵‍💫

Part of Maia's original character idea was to be the best friend, _____ mate, and someone who wants to study supernatural medicine, but I didn't think I could put the last one in UNTIL; this chapter! Haha! How fate works!

Tiger's MateOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora