Chapter Ten

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     "I think we're in a place my mind created," Grian said, slightly stunned. He felt more steady now. His friends really didn't blame him? At all? After everything that happened, they just brushed it off?

"A place... your mind... created..?" Mumbo asked skeptically. "Are we in your head? I mean, I didn't think there would be a lot, but this is a bit overkill..." he did a three-sixty to look around.

Scar laughed. "I thought there would be more eggs!"

This made Grian laugh too. "No, we aren't in my head," he said. "I basically created this place. I think we just have to wait here."

"Wait here?" Pearl asked.

"What about hunger?" Impulse inquired.

Grian rubbed the back of his head. His emotions were still a bit all over the place from his breakdown, so he took in a deep breath to steady himself. "I don't think there is any hunger," he replied. "I think that all we have to do is wait until Xisuma comes to get us or takes us to Hermitcraft Season Nine."

"How long will that take?"

"Uh... I don't know," Grian blinked. "It'll happen, though. Xisuma will figure it out."

Grian plopped himself on the ground and sat. The others followed suit and soon they were all sitting in a circle.

"Wanna play duck-duck-goose?" Scar asked. Grian couldn't tell if he was joking or not.

"No, Scar, I do not want to play duck-duck-goose," Pearl replied.

"What? Why not? I like the duck's and the goose's!"

"It's geese, not goose's," Mumbo jumped into the conversation.

"Fine, fine," Scar laughed. "Hey, I died as one of the richest hermits! Hazzah!"

This made the whole crew start laughing, even Grian, despite the fact he felt like cold tea that had been sitting out for a week.

"Hazzah?" Impulse mocked him playfully. "You had the whole dictionary, and you went with hazzah?"

"There's nothing wrong with hazzah," Scar straightened his top hat which had been falling off his head. "Maybe I'll be a pirate next season. Arg!"

Time passed quickly while they chatted. The group brought up memories, they remembered things from past seasons (Pearl was always confused when that happened), and had... fun. No one was acting like their world had just ended. Instead they were laughing.

And they waited for the next season to come.


That is the end. A bit of a cliff hanger, isn't it? I could definitely continue this story if I wanted to- oh well. It's destined to be a mystery.

I have other stories if you want to check them out. Given, none of them (as of now) are Hermitcraft, they're DreamSMP related, but still! I think they're pretty good.

If you want to be cautious of the warnings for each story.

Thank you so much for reading! I reckon this story had around ten thousand words.

Goodbye o7


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