Chapter Seven

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    Grian met Scar on the doorstep to his starter base. The top-hatted gentleman had also managed to die and respawn just in front of Grian's eyes, making him reconsider wanting him to build a rocket. He flew up and landed beside him anyway.

"Whoooao-kay, that's not just blocks that's a Grian," he said, referencing to the large amounts of blocks that were flying up into the atmosphere with a laugh. He was climbing up the long later than led up into his wagon, pulling himself up on the ledge before standing to look at Grian.

Grian laughed. "I was just coming over here and I saw you die. I was like, 'Yes, this is the man we need to get us out of here', and you crashed. So... I'm starting to think that's not the smartest idea."

Scar laughed. "I was just starting up a traveling agency. So, are you intrested in-"

Grian was looking around the sky where the world itself was getting pulled upward in chunks. "Uh, Scar, I am very intrested in leaving this planet," he said.

Scar would be able to build a rocket. He was an amazing builder, and Grian was sure he could figure it out. But he needed to know something.

"I want to leave down the Boatem hole," Grian said.

"Down the- what do you mean?"

"Build a rocketship that faces downward. We'll blast out of here from below. Trust me. I'll even fund it."

"Deal! Although, are you sure-"

"One hundred percent."

Scar let out a nervous chuckle. "Whatever you say, G-man."


     "Hello, fellow Hermits, I have gathered you here to say I had a plan to fix this, but now I realize I don't actually have a plan, and I've just have been doing this for nothing...." Mumbo began.

By 'fellow Hermits' he meant the Boatem people. Pearl, Impulse, Grian, Scar, and Mumbo Jambolian himself were gathered by a huge contraption Mumbo had crafted.

It held TNT at the top and had some sticky pistons, slime blocks, whatever redstone things it needed, Grian wasn't great as describing things like that.

The huge- huge- moon hung above them. There was a group of phantoms trying to attack the group and Grian was sure someone would end up dying.

"Mumbo, what is your plan here?" Grian asked.

"I am going to blow up the moon," the Spoon replied.

"Uh, guys," Pearl began. A phantom hit her from behind. She turned around quickly, managing to bop its head with her sword. "A little help?"

The Boatem crew rushed to the rescue. Scar was laughing, Mumbo was hanging back ("Peace, love, and plants!" He had said) and Impulse was really trying his best.

"Wait, the moon is leaving!" Mumbo exclaimed. A phantom hit him. "Ah!"

"Hit the button! You're going to miss it!" Grian screeched.

"Okay! Button is being pressed!" He hit the small stone button. The contraption began its climb upward, the pistons clicking as it maneuvered it's way toward the sky.

"You're going to miss it!" Impulse laughed.

"No!" Mumbo seemed in sight disbelief, looking upward. "I-"

"Guys, help please!" Pearl begged them. Grian had time to turn to her again and see a creeper pad up from behind, hissing.

"Pearl!" He tried to warn.

Too late. She blew up.

The group escalated in laughter as her items exploded everywhere.

Then Scar got killed by a phantom. He managed to say in a high pitched voice, "No, oh!" Before dying.

The remaining three, Impulse, Grian, and Mumbo, were laughing so much they almost forgot to collect their items. Grian couldn't help thinking that no matter what happened, even during the end of the world, his friends were still having fun right beside him.

They looked up at the moon.

"It's going to miss it," Grian said.

"No, it can't miss!" Mumbo exclaimed.

"Uh, Mumbo, it really looks like it's going to miss," said Impulse.

The moon slid behind the device. The contraption fell short, hitting sky limit and exploding absolutely nothing.

"No!" Mumbo said. "I mean, it wouldn't have worked anyway, but still!"

The three were laughing again. Pearl came to collect her items soon after, followed by Scar. Scar then decided it would be a good time to begin his sales pitch.

"Fellow Boatem people," he said, casting his arms outward as he addressed the group. "Have you been wanting to leave this earth, but you're not quite sure how?"

"Scar, we don't need a speech! Get us out of here!" Grian yelled.

Scar continued. "You thought of some ideas, like Mumbo, but they didn't or won't work?"

"Scar!" Grian's voice sounded like it was being strangled. "We don't care about the speech, just get us out of here!"

"So you agree to give me all your diamonds and money? Alright then!" Scar laughed in triumph and used a rocket to fly away quickly.

"Wait-" Grian looked after him, sighing.

"Did we just-?" Pearl began.

"I think so," said Impulse.

"I mean, all I have in my hourglass is some rubbish, so I think I got out of this pretty well," Mumbo hummed in content.

"I didn't!" Grian exclaimed. "Mine is packed full of diamonds that I worked hard to get!" To be real, he didn't really care that much, because either way they were leaving the earth.

And it was his fault.

"Wow, we're actually leaving," Grian muttered. Truth seemed to dawn on the others. They had been joking this whole time, but in reality, it was actually very terrifying.

What if Grian couldn't do it? What if they all died? What if the Watchers came? What would happen in Season Eight? Would Season Eight even happen?

There were so many questions that had no answer.

"Yeah. I'm scared," Munbo let out a high-pitched chuckle that sounded so forced and nervous it almost made Grain laugh. He didn't.

"What if we cant make it to Season Eight?" Impulse asked.

No one replied. No one had an answer.

Then Grian had yet another flashback.




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