Chapter Six

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     So. Mumbo took the information fairly well, considering everything.

Also- something to mention- Mumbo broke the Mooner pact as well! Grian had found him only just getting out of his bed from sleeping.

They were inside Mumbo's arm chair mountain, the sound of the waterfall roaring beside them. Mumbo seemed to be thinking it over, messing with a redstone contraption with his hands. He did that often.

"Uh, well," Mumbo finally said, gaining Grian's attention. "I don't think you're crazy."

"That's a relief," Grian huffed.

Mumbo let out a laugh, but it seemed tense. "If this is true, then I think we're up against something huge, Grian." His voice became serious. Grian shifted foot-to-foot, looking down. His wings hung down like his head. "Yeah, I know," he said.

"We should tell Xisuma. He'd know," Mumbo said.

Grian sighed. "Yeah, I know," he repeated.

"Do you really think it's got something to do with what's going on?" Mumbo asked. His voice was tentative and nervous.

Grian looked up, his purple eyes meeting Mumbo's. He nodded. "It just- it felt so real, Mumbo, and I feel like I should know who- who the people the drea- the nightmares have mentioned are."

The earth rumbled like an angry dog growling, shifting from under the Hermits' feet. Grian almost fell but flapped his wings, catching himself before he tumbled to the floor. Mumbo wasn't so lucky. He fell forward, his arms catching him.

Grian helped him up and said, "Yeah. Let's go tell Xisuma."


     Turns out they didn't need to fly very far because as Grian was soaring over the Boatem hole he caught a flash on pink armor from below.

He dived quickly, Mumbo following suit, and he blinked at Xisuma.

He was talking to Impulse. Impusle took notice of the two stray hermits first, looking between Xisuma and them, before asking, "Uhh.... hello?" With a laugh.

Xisuma turned. His axolotl helmet hid his face.

"We're not interrupting something important, right?" Grian asked. Mumbo elbowed his side. "I mean, me and Mumbo need to talk to you, Xisuma."

Impulse chuckled. "I'll be gone," he said before flying off with a few rockets.

"I'm not about to be ambushed, right?" Xisuma asked with an air of humor. Grian shook his head. "It's kinda important."

Xisuma caught onto his tone of voice. Grian could hear his own tone become more serious. "What is it?"

Grian and Mumbo led him to Grian's Midnight Alley. Speaking of his Midnight Alley, Grian needed to complete it soon. If the world was going to end he wanted to finish his last project. He just needed one more small building and more candles, after all.

Grian led them into the tunnel below the alley where he kept his villagers. The trio stopped at a small table and they each took seats, Grian leaning back in his nervously.

"So?" Xisuma asked. "I didn't come here for nothing, correct?"

Mumbo cleared his throat. Grian looked over at him, meeting his gaze and letting out a strained huff. Mumbo gave a small encouraging smile.

Grian fell into an explanation. He told Xisuma about the dreams, the weird feelings, about the Watchers, (Xisuma had shuffled at the mention of them) and about Dream. He wished Xisuma hadn't been wearing his helmet because he would have liked it much more if he could read his expression.

Grian ended with, "But I don't know if it has something to do with the weird server stuff, it may just be nothing. I mean, just weird dreams. I may just be wasting your time."

Xisuma shook his head slowly. "I think you're correct, Grian. This may actually be bigger than even you realize. If it's against the Watchers then I'm not sure we have a chance."

"The Watchers are real?" Grian asked, feeling sick to his stomach.

Xisuma sighed and nodded. "I've had trouble with them, but I know how they work. They-"

The ground suddenly shook furiously, worse than ever before. Grian grabbed the table so he wouldn't fall, and Mumbo as well as Xisuma followed suit.

"I have to go," Xisuma said with urgency. "I need to speak with the head admins. We may need to evacuate."

"Evacuate?" Grian and Mumbo exclaimed together.

"If the moon crashes into Hermitcraft then we'll all die over and over again. We won't be able to excape," Xisuma said seriously. Before Mumbo or Grian could ask anything else he used a rocket and flew out of the tunnel that led up.

The two followed him. When Grian got to the surface he saw blocks flying into the air as a rapid rate, streaking up into the sky like rockets.


"We need a rocketship!" Grian yelled.

"I'm going to go blow up the moon," Mumbo said instead.

"You what-" too late. Mumbo was already off and away. "Spoon!" Grian yelled after him. He turned, his eyes falling upon his Alley.

No. If they were going to evacuate, Grian was going to finish the Alleyway. He probably had time.

It meant so much to him. He loved the Alleyway, and if Grian never finished it, he would think about it forever.

That decided it. Here, at the end of the world, Grian would finish the Midnight Alley.

He ran to his storage system, getting blocks in large groups. All he had to do was mirror the other building that was on the opposite side of the Alley and put up candles. He then turned to the end of the Alley, trying to fly through the odd gravity as fast as he could.

Grian built faster than he ever had before. He ran side to side, making sure the Alley looked the same on both sides, stacking blocks on blocks. He placed signs and made sure the proportions were correct.

Grian finished the building. He turned to the candles, using the odd minecraft air to place them to where they hung mid air.

He placed them around the whole Alley, lighting it up in a type of way it didn't know it needed. The blocks came together, the small details intricate, and when he finished he stood at the beginning of the Alley.

It was finished. Blocks were flying up around him, not coming down, the gravity was slow, letting Grian sit in the air without flapping as he looked down the Midnight Alley.

Grian wiped a tear from his cheek then turned away from his building, knowing he needed to have a chat with Scar.


It's happening.


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