Chapter Eight

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"Grian, what if this doesn't work? What if we can't make it out?" Wilbur asked. His voice was scared, almost sounding as scared as Grian felt.

They had been in the Watcher world for three years. After the long months Grian had finally figured out a way- a possible way, at least- to escape the world.

"I don't know," Grian replied, his voice wavering. They were hidden in the basement of the castle, standing in front of a room full of broken Nether portals. The Portal room.

"We need to find the right one," Grian said. He began to walk between all the portals, Wilbur following from behind. Wilbur was taller than Grian and had a fringe of dark fluffy brown hair that fell across half his face. Most of the time he was joking, a leader, and fierce, but he had a very soft side rarely anyone discovered.

"I think it's this way," Wilbur said. He turned left. "I can feel a more powerful pull."

Wilbur had this uncanny ability to feel magic. He knew who was magic, where they were, and how powerful they were without trying. Grian followed him without hesitation.

"Here," Wilbur stopped in front of a portal that had the top left corner of it missing. "This one. I can feel it."

Grian nodded. He held up his palms, a dark purple fire beginning to grow in them. Grian raised his right hand, imagining the corner of the portal being competed, and right before his eyes the obsidian fused together like a raindrop joining another on a smooth surface.

He lowered his hands. The portal was completed. Even Grian could feel power coming off of it now.

"I told you not to try to escape," the voice came from Grian's left right before a bang. He got shot backward by a flash of magic and hit a broken portal, gasping.

Wilbur turned. Despite his practice on practice, he was never the most powerful at combat. He tried to throw fire but Dream dispatched it with the flick of his wrist as if it were a fly.

He walked toward them, his wings opened out behind him. Grian could see the dark feathers, power falling off the man like an aura.

"Grian," Wilbur said. "Go. I'll distract him."

"What? Wilbur, no-"

Dream shot a large bolt at Wilbur. He dived out of the way, narrowly escaping death. Grian got to his feet, feeling electricity spark between his fingers as he faced Dream.

"You don't know-" Dream began only to be cut off by Wilbur tackling him. It was an odd move, actual physical contact, as you usually only fought with magic.

Grian used the time it gave him wisely. He ran to the portal, lighting up his hands with a purple fire and setting the frame alight.

The purple swirls appeared quickly, almost chanting Grian's name in welcome. Instead he turned around again, ready to battle off Dream.

Dream was on top of Wilbur, his knee forcing the brunette to the floor. His wings were opened below him painfully.

Grian shot a volt of bright red electricity, startling Dream enough for Wilbur to shove him off. He ran toward the portal where Grian stood.

"Go, go!" He yelled. "I'm right behind you!"

Grian quickly moved onto the portal frame. He could feel his vision twisting, the portal causing him to be nauseous, and could hear a roar in his ears.

Wilbur didn't join him. Instead Grian had time to see him used a burst of his magic- an explosion- and blow the portal up right as Grian got whisked away.

"Wilbur!" He screamed but it was useless.

His friend was gone.

Grian came back to the world, blinking rapidly as he sat up.

"Grian!" Someone said.

Grian looked beside him, spotting Mumbo. Grian had been lying down on a bed- some random one out by the Boatem hole- and at Mumbo's yell a few people came running up.

"What happened? Are you okay?" Mumbo demanded.

"Flashback," Grain managed. He only had a slight headache, but that was fading. "Yeah, I'm okay."

Mumbo helped him up. Impulse was beside him.

"Thank goodness you got up," Mumbo said. "We have to leave now. The world- it's... well, look around. Most Hermits have already found their own ways to evacuate."

Grian looked around. Most of the surface had been cast up in the air. It was all uneven, going up and down, and there was a brand new rocket hanging in the air suspended by four huge white balloons.

"Is he awake?" Scar bellowed from the top of it. "Pearl is already inside! We have to go!"

Grian could hear the fear in his voice.

Impulse rushed up with a rocket, flying into the air.

The world seemed to be moving in slow motion. Maybe it was because of the odd gravity but Grian didn't think so.

He looked around. At the timeglasses (the diamonds were gone and Grain wondered how Scar managed to put them in the rocket), at the bases, at the Boatem hole, and at the world itself.

They were leaving. Forever.

The world rumbled deeply. Mumbo fell to the floor. Grian helped him up quickly and rushed into the air in a flurry of feathers, flying up to the rocket. Mumbo followed from behind.

They dropped inside. Grian looked at the interior. There were only four seats. Everyone besides Mumbo and Grian had taken one.

"Sorry," Scar said. "Design flaw."

Grian walked over to one of the seats followed to Mumbo.

"We'll share," he said. They squeezed next to each other, putting a seat belt over them.

"Get ready," Scar said. He hit a button. The rocket rumbled and shook, and Grian could hear redstone contraptions in the thin walls twisting as they began to work.

There was a roar. Grian heard the balloons pop.

"I guess this is it!" Impulse yelled over the engine.

"It's the end of Season Eight," Grian managed. "Goodbye, World!"

The others joined him in their goodbyes.

"It's been fun!" Scar yelled.

"Yeah!" Pearl agreed.

Grian wondered what was about to happen. All he knew was that he was about to have to use Watcher powers- powers he hadn't used in almost four years.

The rocket shot downward- down the Boatem hole. Everyone except Grian screamed.

He closed his eyes, trying to summon the power he had used in his flashback. He remembered the tingle at the edges of his hands, the pull in his chest, the concentration.

He could see a bright purple light even though his eyes were closed.

"What is that?!" He thought he heard Mumbo yell.

Grian could hear the crackle of lightening. It must be streaking around the rocketship, cracking and actually working.

Safe, Grain thought. Somewhere safe.

The world fell around him.


Yo? Ayo?


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