Chapter Four

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     Grian worked straight for the next few days. An uncertain thought? Work it away. A scary feeling? Nothing a bit of work can't fix.

He could tell his friends were getting worried. It was fine.

The nightmare unsettled him but not as much anymore. Now that some time had passed it seemed more unreal. He couldn't feel it as vividly anymore.

It was beginning to fade, like all dreams did eventually. He could find himself able to breathe more without impending doom tugging at his chest.

The world wasn't getting any better, though. More and more blocks flew up at a time. The world shook more strongly and violently. The moon became larger and larger. He got suspended in the air by odd gravity for longer and longer.

It was fine. The world wasn't ending.

It was just a glitch. Xisuma would fix it. Until he said he didn't know what was happening.

It started with a message in chat.

Xisumavoid: can everyone come to the spawn area?

This was concerning as Xisuma didn't like gathering all the Hermits at once. It got chaotic real quick. So if he was telling everyone to go there it couldn't mean anything good.

Grian, since the Nether didn't really have clear paths, decided to just fly over there. It wasn't that far as all the Hermits were gathered on one fairly small island. He didn't wait to fly with anyone from Boatem.

A small group was already gathered when Grian landed. He stumbled on the ground from sleep deprivation before looking over at Xisuma, who was stood on a plank of wood.

Grian's head swam. His eyes burned from the lack of sleep. He could see blocks flying up in the air from the edges of his vision.

It took a few moments for more hermits to arrive. The Boatem group stuck together, except for Impulse and Pearl, who decided to socialize. Grian's thoughts weren't working fast enough for that. He focused instead on Xisuma.

"So, I'm pretty sure most if you have guessed why we've gathered here," the admin chided with a nervous laugh. The group quieted down.

Grian had to use all his energy to focus on Xisuma's words.

"So, despite all the rumors, this had nothing to do with Doc nor Ren. The Hermitcraft server is being attacked by outside forces."

Grian only had the consciousness to think 'well, that isn't good.' His mind brushed against the topic of Watchers.

"They are messing with the Server Settings. I'm doing my best to correct what they're doing and I'm asking the Head Admins for help, but they're very busy right now, so..."

There were nervous mumbles that echoed around the group of Hermits.

"Just hang in there, everyone, I'm sure things will be solved soon. Until then just resume your normal lives. Doc, Tango, and False, I need to talk to you."

Grian flew up into the air, flapping his wings and launching himself up. He had enough brain power to be worried. What if this was somehow connected to the weird dream? The dream that felt so real?

He began to fly back toward his base as a quick speed. In season six him and Mumbo had tracked how fast he could go- at his fastest point it was a hundred ninety three kilometers. Which, for everyone who doesn't use kilometers, is a hundred and twenty miles per hour.

So you could say he was going pretty fast.

The sky suddenly rumbled from above him, and when Grian looked up, he saw dark clouds beginning to grow across the sky and cast a dark shadow on the winged Hermit.

He felt a raindrop on his nose. One on his wing. Then it began to pour down like a waterfall, completely drenching Grian and forcing him to fall lower in the sky.

Grian quickly landed on the ground, knowing it was dangerous to fly during a storm. Wind could push you put to sea then you could die and not find your items. He was fairly close to Boatem, anyway.


The panicked voice came from behind him. Grian swirled around to see Mumbo falling to the ground at an alarmingly quick rate.

Grian burst into action despite his tiredness. With a rush of adrenaline he burst forward, only just managing to catch Mumbo (they both crashed to the ground after that) before he hit the floor.

"Ow, ow," Mumbo drawled, his hair plastered across his face from the rain.

Grian was hurt as well. "You landed on my foot," he whined, pulling it out from under the mustached Hermit.

It only hurt when Grian moved it far up, so it was maybe a little sprained, but nothing Grian couldn't fix with a health potion.

"Thanks for catching me," Mumbo said with a small smile.

Grian snickered. "Why did you fall?"

"It's not like I chose to fall, I just couldn't see!"

"What? I can see perfectly fine."

"I don't know how, it's like a sheet of just rain," Mumbo squinted his eyes. "I can only see vivid colors, like your eyes or your shirt."

"You're a spoon."

Mumbo let out a laugh. "We've been over this. I suppose I am, yes."

Grian felt himself sigh. The wetness was helping clear his tiredness and he wiped his eyes, trying to get the rain out of them.

"Are you okay, mate?" Mumbo asked, his voice taking on an air of concern.

"Yeah, I'm alright," Grian pushed himself up. "We should get back to Boatem to wait out the storm."

Mumbo did the same. Grian saw a streak of mud on the back of his suit. One of his elytra wings were bint at an odd angle as well, but Mumbo could easily fix it by shifting it back into place.

"Yeah, you're right," Mumbo cut himself off with a large yawn. Grian followed suit, also yawning.

They began to walk toward the direction Boatem was located.

"You know you can always tell me if something's wrong, right?" Mumbo asked suddenly from beside him.

"Yeah. Of course," said Grian.


Yooooo. Chapter completed.

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