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Jungkook gave me a hug, telling me its all going to work out. He held me for as long as I needed him to without saying a word. He didn't check the time. He didn't get his phone. He sat there with me in silence the whole time. His energy calmed me. 

When I finally fell asleep, Jungkook stepped out into the hallway and called Jin. 

Jin: Hello. Jungkook. Is she okay?

JK: She's not. We're at Akuma Hospital. Akira's a mess.

Jin: Should we come?

JK: Yeah. I mean she had surgery so there could be complications at any time. I'd come see her now in case anything happens.

Jin: Okay. We'll be there in an hour.

They hung up. Jungkook went back into the room and sat at the edge of the bed, near my feet. He saw me sleeping in pain, not able to turn in sleep to put pressure on the ribs. A tear rolled down his cheek. He knew me since we were both young and I was always happy and full of fire and even during training. He rarely saw me this vulnerable. 

Jin, Jimin, J-Hope, Taehyung, and Yoongi grabbed their jackets and headed to the garage. After they all rolled out in a car, Namjoon decided to go as well. He took his own car and headed out to the hospital. 

My vitals slowly dropped. The systems rapidly beeped. Nurses and a doctor ran inside, pushing Jungkook out of the room to check on me. In that time, the boys came towards Jungkook. They looked in the small window seeing me just fighting for my life. 

"I said if she died it's in Namjoon's hands. But I didn't mean it seriously. And now she's actually fighting for her life. He better get here." J-Hope said upset. 

"I'm here. I'm here." Namjoon said out of breath running over to them. "What's wrong?" It looked like they saw a ghost. The color in their faces, faded. 

In the room, on the EKG, the line went flat. Jungkook pointed to the room and staggered backward. He was just blank. Buffering on overdrive. 

Namjoon ran into the room, not really knowing what was going on and saw through the moving of the nurses, the flat line on the EKG. 

The nurses pushed him out of the room. He was not ready to accept it. He watched as the nurses try to resuscitate me. Using CPR but that was pointless because of the surgery to the ribs. They tried the defibrillator a few times. Right before they were about to call time, the EKG blipped. Then it blipped again. And then there was a full heartbeat. Heartbeat after heartbeat. My vitals went up. 

There was a sigh of relief all around. When the nurses walked out, the main nurse talked to Jungkook. 

"She's going to be fluctuating from time to time. Rib surgery is tricky. Luckily there's no collapsed lung. It's okay for now. But you're going to have to monitor her while we do as well." he said. 

Jungkook blankly nodded, not comprehending anything the nurse said. 

Namjoon walked into the room and sat next to me on the chair. He held my hand and cried softly. He apologized over and over for what he said and how cold he was towards me. He remembered all our highlighted memories. 

When I woke up, I saw Namjoon fast asleep next to me. I ran my hand in his hair. He woke up and look at me. 

"Oh thank god you woke up." Namjoon said. 

"It only took me on my death bed for you to come? I should have done this sooner." I joked. 

Namjoon shook his head. "Don't joke like that. I can't lose you."

"Really? That why you didn't come to save me? Jungkook came alone. I expected you to come. You're my husband. He's my best friend. Both of you are supposed to be there for me, like I am for the both of you." 

What I said wasn't wrong. And he knew it. 

"I know. I know. I screwed up. I didn't think about how traumatic it was for you to do what you did. I just saw the act and how it hurt me. Not about you. And I'm sorry. I'm going to do better okay. But you have to give me time to get there."

I nodded. "That I can do." I squeezed his hand. 

Jungkook walked in the room and hugged me, the best he could without hurting me and then hugged Namjoon. 

"You are not allowed to die. Understood?" Jungkook said strictly. 

"Understood." I smiled. "Kookie can you and the boys just leave us alone for a little bit. I need to talk to Joonie about something." I gave him a look. He knew exactly what it was about. He kissed my forehead and left the room. The boys all went out to the vending machines, giving us space. 

"What's up?" Namjoon asked. 

I bit my lip. This was going to be hard for him to swallow. All he ever wanted was to be a father. 

I took a deep breath to give me a little strength. 

"Joonie... I-the injuries are too damaging that I can't give you the one thing in the entire world you want." I spewed out. 

Namjoon didn't understand at first. And then his face changed when he understood what I said. 

"It's okay. We can adopt." he replied, swiftly. 

"Are you okay with that?" I asked. 

He nodded. "If we can give a baby a beautiful life whether it's our own or one brought into the family, being able to raise them with you is all I want."

Assassin X Mafia (A Kim Namjoon mafia ff)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora