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Soo...I was right well I'm always right


I woke up with to kids on top of me and Jake and Jax on each side of me cuddle close. I'mma need a bigger bed. I carefully grabbed my phone  from under my pillow but quickly stopped because Anthony started to move. After a minute I got my phone. 7:00am. Carefully moved Anthony and diamond off on me. Anthony cuddled into Jake while diamond cuddled into Jax. After moving and pausing for the 1000th time I finally got out of the bed.

I grabbed some clothes from the closet and headed over to the guest room to take a shower there. I don't want to wake them up.

Her outfit

Once I was done I walked to the bathroom and did my morning routine

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Once I was done I walked to the bathroom and did my morning routine. When I was washing the stuff off my face I felt someone behind me. I knew the cologne all to well to put out a knife. I stood up straight grabbing a towel to dry my faces off. I put the towel down when to arms wrapped around my neck and a head sat on my shoulder. I leaned my head back resting on their shoulder.
"Good morning" Jake said with a husky voice
"Did I wake you up? I'm sorry" I said looking at him through the mirror
"No your good. Don't worry" Jakes said
"I need you to do me a flavor" I asked in a serious voice
"what's wrong" he said stand up straight
"Let's go talk in my offices" I walked out, checked on the kids really quick and then headed to my offices.

I sat down on my chair and Jake sat in-front of me. I unlocked the safe in my drawer and took out my computer.

"Ace what's wrong" Jake said.

"Nothing yet but I need you and Jax to take Diamond and Anthony somewhere safe. It doesn't matter where it just can't be here. Maybe you guys can go stay at a hotel and go to a water park for the rest of today and next week.(it's Sunday)" I said looking for a places for them to stay. "I'm going to rent a beach house and it's close to a water park so y'all can ride down on a golf cart or something"

"Ace" Jake said. "What's really wrong and why a do you want a water park close by"

"Ok you know Daniella my mother"he nodded "yea well she's trying to kill me"

"What why"
I explained the whole story to him on how she's trying to kill me and how she's in the Russian mafia. When the door opened. Diamond walked in rubbing her eyes.
"Come here, honey. What's wrong" I said picking her up and putting her on my lap.
She shook her head and snuggled into my lap. God I miss Malcolm.

I opened a different drawer and grabbed a blanket for her. I always have one in here for her.
"I don't know when for sure she's planning on coming but I know it's going to be sometime this week and plus I want to go swimming and diamond loves the beach"

"Anthony is coming with us?" Jake said

"Yes I don't want him to get hurt. I'm planning on having a dinner with all siblings except Anthony, I want her to come then so they can see the real her."

"Why can't Anthony see the real her" Jake asked confused

"He already saw the real her"
"How do you know"
"He told me anyways go get packed." I said finished with this conversation. Jake nodded toward diamond asking if he should take her. I shook my head and focused on my work.

After an hour diamond woke up saying she's hungry.
I carried her to the kitchen to find all the boys there(Jake, Jax, Vincent and Anthony).

"Good morning" they said while Anthony just smiled.
"Good morning" I said putting diamond on the counter but then Vincent picked her up.

"So Anthony pack a bag you are going to the beach with the boys and diamond today, your going to be staying there for a week. Don't worry Jake knows sign language too." I said to him.

"Awesome" he signed

"What about me can I come" Vincent said looking at diamond then me

"You and me are staying here we have things to discuss anyway did y'all eat yet?"

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