Chapter Thirty Four

Comincia dall'inizio

After that I walked into the closet and picked out what I wanted to wear, before going into the bathroom and setting the stack of clothing on the bathroom counter.

"Adrian when is the reservation time?" Olivia asks sticking her head in the bathroom, and I then pull out my phone and check the time.

"Two hours" I say setting it atop my clothing stack and walking over to the shower.

"Alright then" she says as I step into the shower and turn on the water before beginning to get whatever was probably on my skin off.

A moment later the curtain moved and Olivia slid in on the opposite side of the shower.

"Come to share the hot water" I laugh.

"Well if we have to be there in two hours this would probably be the most time effective way".

"Fair enough" I say as I begin to wash.

When we both got out I dried off and got dressed in jeans, a crewneck and a leather jacket with diamond quilted shoulders, before styling my hair.

"I think I unintentionally copied you" Olivia says looking at my outfit.

"What do you mean?" I muse leaning against the counter as I wash what product was left on my hands off.

"Just wait there a moment" she says before rushing off and for a moment I am reminded of how she was when I first met her just constantly happy and bubbly disregarding of course her nervous nature and fear of certain types of guys.

When Olivia came back she wore grey jeans, black suede knee high boots, a green grey loose turtleneck, and a black leather jacket.

"Who's heart are you trying to steal bellissima?" I ask.

"Only ever yours" she replies looking up at me.

"You already have that, though you might take some of the one's belonging to the other guys in the restaurant" I say.

"I already made my choice a long time ago" she replies.

"Good, that was the correct answer" I smirk, making her roll her eyes at my remark.

"You make it sound like I didn't have other options".

"I don't like sharing you know that, and I'm a little possessive" I exhale putting my hands on her waist.

"You're more then a little possessive, but takes one to know one" she says wrapping her arms around the back of my neck.

"Indeed" I muse shifting backwards out of the bathroom. "Also we should probably get going so we get to our reservation on time".

"Alright I'm driving" Olivia says rushing off downstairs with long strides.

"Of course you are" I remark under my breathe, giving her retreating figure a small smile.

Walking into the closet I took one of my Lange and Söhne watches, before following Olivia and finding her already in the entryway waiting for me.

"I had to complete my outfit" I say walking past her into the elevator and pressing the button for the garage.

When the door opened Olivia walked across the room towards our Audi R8 and unlocked the car, before sliding into the front seat with me getting into the passenger side.

"Ready?" she asks starting the engine and driving up the ramp onto the streets.

"Always" I reply before she sped off towards Brooklyn since that was where the restaurant was.

In the two hours between us going to the penthouse, and leaving it had become dark, with the light peeking through the sky above us.

There was also a beauty to it all the New York lights shining brightly showcasing the millions of people who lived in this city all in an attempt to become someone or something, I could even say I remembered it, spending the first year trying to rebuild Winters Group in a small two bedroom apartment in the Bronx.

But then I finally started to keep my money and got back what I had frozen catching me up to what I would have been worth at that point.

Even in that time I learned that life was hard for those who could just get buy working numerous jobs and trying to keep themselves and their family well fed and have a roof over their heads. It definitely made me think of ways to help the city I'd lived in my who life and now several years later I'd say I had helped in the best way I could.

Leaving Manhattan we crossed the Brooklyn Bridge before going down to a road that led along the river that also brought us to The River Café.

"Are we on time?" Olivia asks as we get out of the car.

"Of course we are you drive almost as fast as me" I reply holding open the door for her and walking in behind her.

Getting to the front of the line the waitress looked up at us.

"For a reservation?" she asked, and I could tell why the restaurant was pretty full.

"Yes under the name Winters" I say.

"Right this way please" she says leading us through the restaurant to a table that almost seemed to have been made private since their was very few places that anyone could sit.

"Perfect thank you" I say pushing Olivia in after she had sat down.

"What can I get for you two" the waitress asks.

"I'll have an iced tea please" Olivia says knowing that I'll let her go first.

"Gin and tonic Hendricks please" I say.

"I will be right back with those" the waitress says before walking off.

Neither me or Olivia opened our menu's mostly because we came here often enough to know what we'd order.

"So after we finish the court session tomorrow what will we do".

"Go back to the penthouse, fly home get anything we want to bring that isn't in Waccabuc, and then drive there though I would guess we'll end up picking up Nico and Kate since the Brabus is big enough for them, we're all bigger we can't put five people in the back anymore" I laugh.

"I remember that, and you still gave me the front seat".

"Yes, you also had first pick, and I liked you so, you had privileges".

"Sounds like favouritism" Olivia points out.

"Maybe it was, either way you didn't seem to want to move from that seat" I counter.

"That's because you were the guy I liked at the time, now I love you".

"And I love you just as much" I say causing her to smile, something that I return.

The waitress then came back with our drinks setting them down on the table.

"Are you both ready to order or do you need a few more minutes".

"I think we're ready" I say gesturing to Olivia.

"Could I please have the spring chicken along with a Caesar salad" she says while the waitress writes that down.

"I'll have the Lobster please" I request folding my hands.

"Alright I will be back in a little bit with both of your orders".

"Thank you" I say lifting my glass to my lips and taking a small sip before Olivia and I continued our conversation, including what we wanted to do once we got to Waccabuc, that was only interrupted twice more throughout the night though I certainly didn't notice, and I don't think she did either.
Alright that is today's update which is early but I also have been writing it non stop since waking up so that's probably why, leave comments below I read every single one and reply to some, also vote and share. Anyways


The Billionaire CEODove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora