Part 13- Assumed Bloating

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Genevieve's P.O.V

I sat in the family room, watching the fireplace burn, wrapped up in my blanket. 

I have been here for 2 weeks now, New Years has come and gone, I start school tomorrow. I only have clinical in person, on Thursdays, 8-12 in the afternoon. 

I currently have the flu, according to Kohen's cousin doctor. I'm thankful lab has the option to be online so that I won't be missing. 

" Ug," I groaned as I ran to the closest bathroom and puked, I was shaking but burning up at the same time, my ankles hurt terribly. 

" Perhaps we go to my pack doctor, where he can physically check you out. I don't think the flu last nearly 3 weeks." Kohen came out of nowhere, followed with Jay behind him.

" Okay." I cried as I just felt like dying. I brushed my teeth upstairs, getting on some leggings, a cute sweatshirt and my Uggs. I pulled my hair into a low ponytail and put a toboggan on. Kohen carried me out to the car, Jay drove us over as Kohen held onto me. He's so warm, I can't stop shivering.

I felt like passing out as he carried me through so many hallways, busting in a door and putting me on a bed. 

The Dr's Office.

" Kohen! I came as fast as I could." An elder man came in, putting a white coat on as he came closer.

" The flu, you said?" He slipped some gloves on.

" That's what Liam said, but I had just told him what was going on over the phone, she hasn't been wanting to come here." Kohen said as he touched my forehead.

" She is hydrated, I'll need to start an IV before I move onto anything else." He said.

" No!" I quickly said as I tried to get up.

" Whats wrong? " Kohen said, pushing me down.

" I don't want needles. No! Just take me back home I'll drink water, I promise." I cried.

" Baby, stop crying, it will only be a second." He tried to soothe me.

" No, Kohen, please! Please don't make me, I don't what this." I cried as he got down face to face.

" You need this. I don't want you to get worse, I'll hold your hand and I will kill him if he hurts you." He brushed his cheek.

The Dr. looked stunned, moving quickly.

" Kohen," I cried as I felt the Dr. feel my arm.

" Shh, Shh.. It's okay."

" It's going to hurt. I haven't had one. " I cried as I felt him push the needle into my arm," Ow!" I cried out as I grabbed Kohen's hand tighter.

" Done, just don't touch it." He taped it off.

I kept my head in Kohen's stomach as I had a death grip on his hand.

" I'll give you a minute to calm down." He said and walked out.

" Hey, the worst is done." Kohen got down to my face.

" You don't know that. I'm never coming here again!" I said as I let go of his hand, looking at my arm and feeling like I was going to puke," It makes me want to puke more."

" Scared of these but not getting your nipples done? " He kissed my forehead.

" That is so different. That took 5 seconds and this is going to take god knows how long." I felt like I couldn't breath.

I sat there, with my eyes closed trying to calm down. Right as I felt calm, the doctor walked back in.

" Genevieve, it's nice to meet you. I only wish it was in better terms. Let's take a look at you. What's been going on?" 

I looked at Kohen, I was not answering this fucker after he stabbed me.

" She's been throwing up, temperature, she's tired all the time, she feels cold then hot." Kohen answered.

He took my temperature, 100.4, it's come down some.

" I'm going to say most signs are from being dehydrated. Care to take a test for me?" He asked.

" What test?" I asked.

" A pregnancy test."

" I'm not pregnant, I'm not taking one of those." 

" He has to have this stuff for records. He can take your blood if you want." Kohen chimed in.

" NO! I'll do it." I said as I looked at my arm," I don't want to move until this IV is done and out of my arm."

" We can try it this way," The doctor said, pulling a machine on wheels over.

" Shirt up, please." He grabbed a wand.

" Why an ultrasound?" I asked as Kohen moved to lift my shirt.

" Just looking." He squirted cold gel on my stomach and I bit my lip as he pressed the wand on my stomach, I had goosebumps.

Kohen rubbed his thumb over my hand as he was looking at his phone. 

" I heard Kohen say you have breast piercings, correct?" The doctor spoke, looking at me.

" Yes. Why?"

" I would take those out. " He said, touching a button on the machine, a little thump feeling the room.

" A heartbeat? " Kohen put his phone away, asking the doctor.

" It is indeed, congrats Alpha."

" I took a plan B." I quickly said, wincing from the needle in my arm.

" Those aren't promise to work, against our family at least."

" Get this damn thing out of my arm." I spoke so rudely.

I heard a bunch of printing noises and was handing a long row of sonograms. I folded them up, not looking at them. I closed my eyes as he took the IV out. I wiped my stomach off and stood up, wobbling.

" You need to keep her hydrated, on bed rest. Her body is confused right now." The doctor said as I had my face in Kohen's stomach and chest. I didn't want to hear none of this.

" 2 out of 4 months, Kohen. Tell her soon. I can find the gender out, anytime." He said as Kohen pushed out the door. Kohen swooped me up, I had the pictures hidden so Jay wouldn't see them when we got in the car. 

" What did they say? " Jay asked.

" Flu." Kohen answered quickly. 

Jay nodded, driving us home.

I was silently crying, trying to not let Kohen know.

" Thanks man." Kohen said, taking me inside.

He set me on the couch, brushing my hair out of my face.

" It's okay." He sat beside me," let me see the pictures?" 

I pulled them out and gave them to him, watching as he stared at them.

" I have to tell you. You only have 2 months left of pregnancy, pregnancy moves fast in my family, very fast." He looked at me.

" 2 months? Pregnancy is 9 months."I looked at my stomach, noticing a bump but I assumed I was bloating. 

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