Part 9- Christmas

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Genevive's P.O.V

I woke up, freezing. I instantly pulled the blankets back up, I must've kicked them off. 

I jumped as my alarm went off, I instantly shut it off. I brushed my teeth, packing it back as soon as I was done. I fixed my hair, letting my curling wand curl off as I did my makeup.

Once done, I packed up all of that. I put on deodorant, lotion and then slipped into my dress. I packed everything into it, grabbing my heels and heading for the door. 


" Kohen, this isn't funny." I wanted to cry.

I pulled my phone out, so many text from my mom.

" Honey, the roads are so bad. Please don't leave until they've come down on levels, the rest of the family won't be able to come until the roads are done too." The text read from my mom. 

I smacked the door as I yelled for Kohen.

After five minutes of smacking, I decided to CALL his dumbass.

" I'm coming." The line went dead.

I grunted as I dropped my bags and went to look out the window. It is awful out there. Kohen's house was surrounded by tree's, they all looked so pretty covered in the snow. 

The doorknob twisted and I was standing right in front of the door in a split second.

" What the fuck is wrong with you!" I snapped as soon as I seen him. 

" You look beautiful." He simply said.

" Take me home." I ignored him.

" I know you've seen the roads." 

" I want to go home. I don't want to be here anymore, not with this new locking me in the bedroom or deal." I frowned.

" Vivi, I think we both know the answer."

My eyes began to water, is he really not going to let me go home?

" Don't cry on Christmas." He grabbed my shoulders.

" Don't MAKE ME cry on Christmas." I spit at him.

" Don't worry," He snatched my phone," I'll keep you happy, I can't lose you." 

" Give me my phone! PLEASE Kohen!" I said as I stood on my tippy toes to reach for it. 

I couldn't see my eyes were so blurry from the tears.

" I won't leave you," I admitted as I just held onto him.

I have to get home.

" Please." I added as I had both my arms around him. 

" Is that so? " Kohen said, putting one arm around me. 

" Yes please." I looked at him, tears falling across my cheek. 

" Right now, you actually can't leave. The roads are bad."

" Every time I come here, the roads are bad." I said as he used his thumb and wiped my cheeks.

" We won't spend Christmas alone, we will go to the pack house, it's only through the woods. " Kohen said as he looked at his watch.

" I just want to go home." I looked down again.

" Mhm, Jay will be here in five minutes to get us." 

He grabbed my hand, my shoes as he tucked my phone in his pocket.

" Let's go, we will wait downstairs." 

" I need to call my mom." I said as he tugged my downstairs.

" You're 20 babe, not 12."

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