Part 6- Sweatshirt

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Genevivi's P.O.V

I pulled up my phone, seeing a million text from an unsaved number.

" Where are you?"

" Did you leave? Why?"

And a million more, it was Kohen. 

" I had to get home." I replied.

I had just started Christmas break.

I pulled out my laptop, printing off the paperwork needed, organizing everything, I have constant anxiety from school:)

I had only stopped when I heard my mom and dad come in the house.

I walked downstairs, helping them load groceries in.

" Grandma is great. Almost like she was never sick." They said as they took everything out of the bags.

" Good! " I said as I helped.

" We are really thankful for the help at the shop, we've decided to let you have the card for some shopping, but don't be dumb." Dad said as he put the milk up.

" When? " I got all happy.

" Help us put the groceries up and you can have it now."

" Deal!" I said as I quickly put the groceries up.

It only took 10 minutes, but I was so ready to shop.

" Here, hun." Mom said, flipping dads wallet open and giving me the card.

" Thanks! I'll be back soon. " I said as I grabbed my purse, keys and phone and went to the garage.

As I began to drive, my phone was ringing.

" Hello?"

" Where are you?"


" Kohen, I'm going to town." I replied, heading to Target. My favorite place ever.

" I'll meet you." He then hung up.

I thought I said town, maybe I said Target.

I shrugged, listening to Ed Sheeran. I was at Target.

I hopped out of the Jeep, Kohen's blacked out SUV, instantly pulling beside me.

" Hi. " I said as I was grabbing my purse, he was instantly behind me.

" Jay had just dropped your jeep off, I'm assuming before you went into the garage and found it" He said as he looked at my neck," You covered the mark." He mumbled.

" I did cover that huge ass hickey." I rolled my eyes as we walked in, I grabbed a cart after I obviously, got my Starbucks. 

" Are you staying tonight?"

" No." I said as I grabbed some cute hearted pajamas," I'm sleeping at my own house." I added.

He was quite for a few seconds, I had grabbed a super soft blanket.

I LOVE blankets. I will always buy one, every trip to the store.

" Why not at mine?" 

" My parents are home, if I tell them, they'll want to meet you and all this other stuff." I said as I looked at him, not really able to see his expression because he hadn't taken his sunglasses off.

We made our way around the store, I pointed at the plan B. I seen his eyebrows raise.

" This?" He held it above me, reading the back," why do you need this? "

" So I don't have a kid."

" I didn't cum in you." His face went straight.

Are you lying? It was on my thigh.

" Maybe just to be safe then." I said as I reached for it.

" Okay." He said as he threw it in my cart.

I grabbed a bunch of clothes, some stuff for school, I love pajamas and blankets.

I checked out, Kohen helping out stuff in my Jeep.

" can I take you to dinner?" He asked, standing at my door.

" I really should get home. I haven't been there in 2 days." 

" Call me tomorrow." Kohen said, kissing me.

I felt my body tingle as he swooped his hand down my back.

" Okay." I said once we finished.

I drove home, still feeling Kohen against my lips. 

I loaded my stuff inside, eating dinner with my mom and dad.

I took another shower, putting on my new pajamas I just got out of the dryer, throwing my new blanket on my bed too.

I tossed and turned for over an hour, I couldn't sleep. I felt cold but I had 4 blankets on me.

I groaned, pulling out my phone and texting Kohen.

" I can't sleep." I simply said.

My mom and dad were far asleep, they go to sleep so early but my mom rather go to the shop early to finish suits then stay late.

" Missing me?" Was Kohen's reply.

I smiled, my fingers hovering over the keys.

" Maybe." I quickly replied.

My eyes grew huge, as Kohen's name popped up on my screen. He was calling me.

" Hi." I said as I pressed the phone to my ear.

" Having trouble without me? " His deep voice spoke.

" I think." I answered as I looked around my room.

" Tomorrow, be with me."

" Okay." I said as I felt a cramp.

Oh god, I never took my plan B.

I got up, fumbling around my room.

" What are you doing? " Kohen asked.

" Looking for my plan B." I answered honestly, if we can have sex, we can be honest.

" Okay. Can I get you in the morning?" 

" How about afternoon? I have to think of what to tell my parents." I answered back, flipping everything upside down.

" Okay, noon, Vivi."

" Dammit, I can't find it." I got mad.

" Can you not buy another?" Kohen was shuffling on his end.

" It has a time limit. How do you not know of this?" I groaned.

" Heard of it." He sharply answered.

" I'm going to cry." I admitted, crawling back in my bed.

" What's going on? Because of that?" He got concerned.

" I just FEEL emotional. " I answered.

My period is starting tomorrow.

" Well, check your backseat of your Jeep."

I hopped up, going down to my jeep.

" Your sweatshirt." I finally said 

" Yes babe." His deep voice groaned into the phone.

I quickly want back to bed, cuddling the sweatshirt.

" I'm going to try and sleep now." I said once I was comfortable.

" Okay babe, I'll see you tomorrow." His deep voice spoke, ending the call.

I quickly fell asleep, smelling his strong scent on his sweatshirt.

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