Chapter Eleven: Unexpected Occurrences Part 2

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Sheila(over radio): Roger 1, how is everyone else?

She asked.

Naruto(over radio): We are running black on ammo, have a couple bruises and exhausted, if we don't get any help we might die her-

He didn't get to finish as there was an explosion, cutting the connection between them.

Sheila(over radio): Naruto, Naruto!!, come in! Can you here me! Dammit Price!, how far are you!

She yelled into her inter-comm, she was truly worried about her baby now, their radio's are not responding to any calls and they lost the view of the battlefield from their helmet cams.


DAY 3, 11:20:32, Lieutenant Uzumaki Naruto, Demon Dogs 1, Unexpected Occurrence.

The briefing was finished and we now find Naruto and his team in a Black Hawk while Price and his team was flying beside them in a black Hawk as well.

The mission was simple, they were supposed to extract a military asset that the emeny as captured. The assets Name was Gary Davidson, a Tech Sargent for the England Air Force, his jet was shot down and the two forces were tasked to retrieve him and kill anyone who got in there way.

Now we go into the Copter with Naruto and his team.

Naruto: Alright, I now this is your first op as SAS Forces, so just follow my steps and do what I asked, no questions ask. All you have to do is just focus up, check everything and protect the person who is to you left and right, it will all be good just stay focus, do you understand?

He asked.

All: Yes sir.

They said and heard over the radio the pilot.

Victor 5: We are 30 seconds out get ready to disembark.

Naruto: Rog, Alright get ready.

He said and his team nods as they checked their weapons and look at each other. Naruto just smile as it seems they are ready for it, checking his weapon as well, which is a UMP . 45. Both helo's landed in a field as the doors open and both teams came out.

Naruto(over radio): Everyone is off Victor, you and 6 can go now.

He said

Victor 5: Roger, good hunting 1.

He said and both birds lift off and out the field as Naruto and everyone went west into a forest.

Price: Okay, so we are 1 click from the target building.

Naruto: Yeah, so me and my team will go in the building and search for the HVT and you and the boys pull security for us.

He said making Price smile.

Price: Rog, see you went you come out, let's go boys, we are pulling security.

He said to his team as they nodded their head and followed him to the east as they will set up a choke point incase any outside force decides to show up.

Naruto: Alright we are moving, Demon 2 on you, 6 pull the rear.

He said as Santos started moving up, while him and the rest follow her while Lenihan went behind them and pulled the rear.

They all reach the compound that held their prisoner, they were two guards at the entrance who were quickly taken out by price.

Price(over radio): Their down, move up.

Naruto(over radio): Roger.

He said and he an his team went into the compound, through the door.

Naruto: soldier of 141Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang