Gotta Love Rainy Days

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Episode 36: Cabin Fever

Episode 36: Cabin Fever

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Yasemin's POV

It was a beautiful day for a sandcastle building competition. Amy and me were inspecting everyones sandcastles.

Amy: (looking at Sonic's sand castle) Traditional

Yasemin: very great job Sonic

Sonic: thanks Yas

Then I giggle quietly and Amy and I inspect the other sandcastles.

Amy: Very derivative, Tails.

Yasemin: Sticks yours is very creative

Amy: Aaaand Knuckles...

Knuckles has made merely a small mound of sand and placed a stick in the top, but is grinning with enthusiasm. It was hard to choose who the winner was

Amy: It's... so hard to choose a winner.

Sonic: It probably doesn't matter, Amy.

Amy: Because the beach is the hourglass of nature, and time will wipe clean what we and our hubris have built as everlasting?

Yasemin: That's very descriptive but no...

I look up into the sky and see the storm clouds approaching

Sonic: No; because of the ginormous storm that's about to hit.

Dark clouds appear out of nowhere in the sky. One lets out a strike of lightning - Tails jumps in fright and begins cowering with fear in Sonic's hands. That poor thing is scared of storms which is a shame.

Sonic: Quick; let's get to my shack!

Amy: I don't think so.

Sticks: It's safer in the storm.

Knuckles: Is that place up to code?

Sonic: Then it's agreed; we'll go to Amy's.

Yasemin: What do you say Amy?

Amy: That could be fun, I guess. It can be a slumber party! And we'll stay up late, and–

Then the others left and me and Amy stood there

Amy: Hey, wait for us!

Then we go inside, seeing everyone on Amy's couch. Me and Amy were basically supervising the team as we are both the most mature.

Amy: So, it'll be a slumber party. And we'll stay up late, watch movies, eat snacks, play Truth or Dare--

Sonic: Truth! Where are the snacks?

Knuckles: I dare Yasemin to get them for us!

Yasemin: (crossing my arms in anger) not gonna happen Knuckles

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