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Episode 15 Aim Low

Episode 15 Aim Low

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Sonic's POV

Man, today is going quick for me and the gang. We are finishing another Eggman defeat and once we're done, Eggman declares he has one more trick up his sleeve (that i will destroy in a matter of time)

Eggman: (To Team Sonic) You may have defeated my Scorpionbot, but I've got one more trick up my sleeve! (Presses a button and a large satellite robot comes out. It then starts to warm up) Just give it a sec. Needs to warm up.

Please i can't take this anymore I end up destroying the satellite robot

Sonic: Still waiting on that "trick".

Then i walk off towards the team and we watched Eggman leave with disappointment

Sonic: Is it just me or is Eggman not bringing his "A-game" lately?

Knuckles: Maybe our "A-game" makes his "A-game" look like a "Z-game"! Oh, that's much worse if you understand the alphabet. Isn't it?

Tails: It does kinda feel like Eggman just going through the motions.

Yasemin: totally normal thing. He's probably just depressed it'll eventually pass off

Huh, I guess Yasemin is right. Then we all leave

Eggman's POV

Ugh, another loss again. I would usually be mad about this but now I just feel empty. I need to relax and sit down. I'm not motivated to even plan another attack at all. I turn on the TV and see a commercial.

Soar the Eagle: (From the commercial) Are you born to soar like an eagle but just cannot get off of the ground? (Slam dunks the basketball)

Eggman: I was and I can't...

Announcer from commercial: (With Soar the Eagle swimming in the background) You can soar like an eagle!

Eggman: I can?

Soar the Eagle: (Now in a dojo) Were you born to soar like an eagle but obstacles just get in your way? (Karate chops a board in half)

Eggman: I already answered that and yes!

Soar the Eagle: I'm Soar the Eagle and I can show you how to be the best "you" you can be! My amazing seminar will show you how to soar like an eagle!

I am intrigued, this is exactly what i need

Soar the Eagle: Call now to put me through your next corporate event, wedding, or sweet sixteen!

I ended up calling him and later on Soar the Eagle came. I'm so ready for this. I need motivation again.

Soar the Eagle: Who's ready to "soar like an eagle"?

Eggman: (Sitting in a chair) Oh! Me! I am! (Claps)

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