A Night To Remember

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Episode 5 My Fair Sticksy

Episode 5 My Fair Sticksy

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Yasemin's POV

Things have been off now. Ever since Sticks asked me about my past I got a bit triggered by that. No one has ever brought it up in the group so I thought that I would not need to talk about it but now I feel like I'm hiding something from my friends

We were watching meteors shoot down into the village. I was thinking and having thoughts cloud my mind while Sonic and his friends were watching the meteors.

Amy: Meteors are shooting stars we shouldn't be running we should be making wishes right Yasemin?

I was not listening at all I just nodded my head and let her continue rambling on about stars was it? I have no clue

Amy: I wish for a pony!

Sonic: I and I wish you'd take cover

Then Sonic took Amy's hand and the gang followed them. I followed them all to a new hiding spot away from the meteors

Amy: How come your wish came true?

Then Sonic smirked at her

Sticks: should I use my meteor defence system?

Tails: you have a meteor defence system?

Sticks: I have a defence system for all kinds of junk: wildfires, floods and people reading my mind

Then Sonic tells her to use it for the meteors and I completely stand there still lost in my thoughts. Luckily no one has noticed

Sonic: Yas, hey are you ok?

Then I shake my head and look at Sonic and back at the sky seeing that the meteors are gone. Guess that's my cue to leave

Yasemin: oh it's over?

Amy: yeah Sticks destroyed the meteors with her defence system

Yasemin: fascinating

Then I walk off going back home and I know the gang is onto me now as My head is clearly not with the team at the moment

Sonic's POV

(At Tails's house)

We were all hanging out at Tails's house but I can't shake the feeling Yasemin was hiding something from me. I mean us. She completely was off in her own world completely forgetting about the battle. I invited her to come here and maybe I could try and talk to her about it?

Tails opens the door and she comes in. I can see through her eyes that she's scared and pretty on edge. Yeah this is not good. I call her name and have her stand near me

Sonic: thanks for coming

Yasemin: Of course so why am I here?

Sonic: to hang out with us of course why else would we call you here Yas?

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