Under Buildings

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Wow I'm finally updating after 2 months-

I'd prefer to have this in my other one-shot book, but I just updated that and this one-shot also has a blood/gore warning so...be warned

Anygays, here's this chapter. I've edited it thoroughly so it should be good

Anakin woke up to dust in his throat and darkness all around him. His eyes slowly blinked open and he coughed a little. Pain was all around him. He tried to move his legs, but all he could do was move them a little to the left, and even still he could hear rocks shifting. He finally realized that he was stuck in a sitting position under rocks he was too weak to move.

Anakin could feel all the rocks and concrete around him. Part of him wondered how he got there, but after a minute or two he remembered. He had been on a mission in a building with Ahsoka when the two of them heard a large boom then-

Ahsoka! He realized.

"Ahsoka!" Anakin called out, coughing from all the dust and dirt in the air.

"I'm here!" Ahsoka yelled somewhere between the rocks. "I've been awake for the past few minutes and have been waiting for you to wake up. I sensed that you didn't die."

"Do you know what happened?" Anakin asked. "I'm pretty sure the building fell on us. That bomber we were looking for—I think he's the one who made it fall."

"I think so too, but I was awake for part of the building's collapse and that whole thing, so I sensed him die." Ahsoka agreed. "Have you already checked yourself for any serious injuries?"

Anakin paused. How could he forget? That was one of the first things you do in a situation like this. He quickly looked over his arms, then his chest, and stomach, for that was all he could see.

He wanted to throw up at what he saw. There was a large rusty coily nail right in his stomach area with a large pool of his own blood around it. There was another one in his chest accompanied by the blood, of course. At that moment his chest began to hurt. A lot. He was going to die.

"Anakin?" Ahsoka asked. "You there?"

"Yeah, I'll be fine." Anakin lied guiltily. "How are you?"

"I think I have a minor concussion since I felt my head get hit, and my left leg feels broken." Ahsoka said.

"Good." Anakin replied. "I'm glad you're not too hurt."

He squirmed a little in the moment of awkward silence.

"We're going to make it out, right?" Ahsoka asked. "We'll be fine?"

Anakin glanced down at the nails in his stomach and chest. "Yeah, we'll both be okay. We were lucky."

If Ahsoka sensed something was off, she didn't say anything about it.

"Hey, Snips?" Anakin said.

"Yeah, Skyguy?" Ahsoka replied.

"Once we're out of this, I'm going to get you some ice cream and you can have unlimited toppings." Anakin decided. "And Obi-Wan will be paying for it whether he likes it or not."

He felt guilty lying about this, but it would help her keep hope. Hope was an important thing to have, especially now.

Ahsoka laughed. "Is that a promise?"

"Yeah, it's a promise." Anakin nodded, though the rocks and his head didn't like it. Neither did the nails. The movement, though small, made more blood ooze out of the wounds. There was so much blood around him already, there was no way he'd get out of this alive. He already felt weak.

Random Clone Wars One-ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora