Skywalker Family AU Part 2

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Okay so some parts of this might make the characters seem a bit out of character, but they're just really excited for the reunion/meeting. Pretty sure that's everything I need to say. Oh it's shorter than I wanted it to be, but whatever and sorry for all the giant blocks of words.

A million thoughts raced through Anakin's brain. Ahsoka...had a girlfriend? But—what? How? What?

"What happened to Lux and please explain." Was all he could manage.

Ahsoka laughed before getting serious. "I hated Lux, I faked that crush, and you might want to sit down for this. I need to start from right after the Siege of Mandalore."

Anakin did as he was told, but was cautious.

"After I got to Coruscant and heard what happened, I didn't know what to do, so I ran. I first went to Thabeska and met a Force-sensitive child, but decided to leave after two years. I went to Raada, and met Kaeden there. I was a mechanic there and had a collection of mechanical pieces. Unfortunately, Dooku was there undercover too, and we got blackmail on each other so we couldn't leave."

Anakin's eyes widened to the point that it hurt. "You lived on the same planet as Dooku for how long?"

"A few months." Ahsoak replied simply.

"So what was the blackmail?" Anakin was almost afraid to know.

"Dooku knew that I didn't want to be found, and I knew that he was a criminal." Ahsoka shrugged.

Anakin sighed. "You don't socialize with Sith Lords, Snips."

Ahsoka rolled her eyes. "I know that, can I continue?"

The Jedi Master (yes he's a Master now Window's negotiations failed) nodded.

"Good." Ahsoka smiled. "Okay so a few months later Dooku killed a ton of people on Raada and made himself the secret ruler because no one outside of Raada could know where he was, because like I said, he was a criminal. Loyal Separatists had been there and they had been making droids and arming themselves too. Kaeden, her sister Miara, some of their friends, and I were some of the lucky ones. I had found some caves for us to live in."

"Is that when you two started dating?" Anakin blurted out.

"No, apparently I can't tell when someone is flirting with me." Ahsoka's lekku darkened. "Anyway, a few months later, I had been on Raada just over a year, I was out hunting when Dooku had attacked the caves, and only Miara had survived while Dooku had captured Kaeden."

Anakin's jaw was wide open. "Why?"

Kaeden shrugged. "I guess he noticed my crush and wanted to kill Ahsoka. But to be fair, you admitted that you also had a crush on me." She looked at Ahsoka.

Ahsoka scoffed. "Well I did a better job than you at hiding it."

"No, not really, Miara was playing matchmaker from the start."

"She couldn't have known that I liked you, Kae."

"No, pretty sure she did. She whispered it to me once."

"Why would she do that?"

"I don't know, maybe to get me to actually ask you out?"

"Well if you did ask me out then I would've said yes." Ahsoka admitted,

"You didn't say yes when I said that I wanted to kiss you, 'Soka." Kaeden pointed out.

"I went into gay panic, okay?" Ahsoka's lekku got darker.

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