Gone Part One

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I'd just like to apologize for this whole chapter. And the fact that there's another part isn't reassuring

Is also like to apologize for not updating in a while. This is the Mortis AU I wrote at camp and was too lazy to put here. Thanks, @KateBishop2021 for helping me with motivation

Ahsoka ran through the harsh world called Mortis at a rapid pace. Much faster than usual.

She couldn't believe what happened. She couldn't process it. Anakin and Obi-Wan were—

No. She wouldn't think about that right now.

The Son was catching up to her faster than she could imagine.

"Join me and my friends, or die!" He screeched.

Ahsoka shook her head to try to block out the noise.

"You will never resist!" The Son threatened.

Ahsoka's muscles burned, but she didn't stop. Anakin and Obi-Wan's lives depended on it, if they weren't dead already.

The Son turned into a flying gargoyle, way larger than her.

"Oh kriff!" Ahsoka swore, tossing language out the hangar door.

The Son lifted himself into the air with his massive wings, his large claws glistening in the moonlight.

She did her best to run, but he was too fast. He quickly caught up to Ahsoka, and grabbed her arms in his claws a little too tightly. Scratch that, way too tightly.

Ahsoka squeezed her eyes shut as she felt her feet get lifted off the cold, hard ground, but couldn't hide some of her screams, which the Son seemed to take pleasure in hearing.

"Let go of me!" Ahsoka yelled at him.

The Son grunted angrily, and all she could assume was that the Son was saying no.

"Great. Just great." Ahsoka muttered to herself. She didn't know where The Father was, and The Daughter was killed by The Son after she was rescued by Anakin and Obi-Wan. A Force-God-Person wouldn't be able to help her this time.

After that, Ahsoka finished fixing the ship early, and Obi-Wan went out looking for Anakin, who had left earlier to find The Father. An hour later, Obi-Wan contacted her through her comlink, and he told her that Anakin Fell and The Son and him were going for her and the ship next. Of course, then the comlink signal got cut off, and what happened to Obi-Wan next was a mystery, so she decided to break apart the ship and run. That all brought her to the unfortunate present, with her being carried by The Son back to the ship. Which she took apart. Why did stuff like this always blow up in her face?

"Get off me!" Ahsoka hissed at The Son.

The Son shook her around a bit in his claws, probably to get her to shut up. Ahsoka did not appreciate it, and rolled her eyes in annoyance, but hopefully she would be taken to where Anakin and Obi-Wan were, so she could rescue them.

A while later, The Son violently threw Ahsoka onto the ground. She rolled around a bit and dirt got on her, but by now, it was daytime, so the dirt wasn't very cold, and there was soft grass. When she looked up, the ship was a few meters away.

The Son briskly turned back into his normal humanoid figure, and he furiously walked over to Ahsoka. He grabbed her arm and lifted her up so she was standing, then pulled her along as he walked towards the ship.

"Fix it." The Son demanded.

"N-no." Ahsoka refused as if it was obvious. She would never help someone like The Son willingly.

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