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March 5, 2021- it's been 3 days since Mason was locked up in the cells since he talked to anyone, he even ignored Hayley when she came by daily to give his blood to stay hydrated

He was just sitting there when somebody came by

Mason: go away (says)

Ruby:(open the door) come on Mason

Mason: what are you doing here (ask)

Ruby: we need you mason (says)

Mason: you locked me in here for three days and now all the sudden you need me (says getting up)

Ruby: we had no choice mason you were going to kill Hayley and sam (says)

Mason: they deserve to go to hell (says and walks out) what do you need my help for

Ruby: safari or omega is acting out again we don't know why (says)

Mason: then let's get to work (says and they leave into the living room to see everyone)

Hope: daddy (says and hugs him) i missed you

Mason: me to hope (says and his eyes look to the side to see Hayley was staring at him but he didn't care anymore) so what's going on

Elizabeth: omega or safari has went on a killing spree probably using those people to sacrifice (says) and bring safari back

Mason: and what makes you know i can help (says)

Tyler: you were with safari for 3 weeks you tell us (says)

Mason: first she tortured me and second i don't know anything (says and stop)

Ruby: what (looks at his)

Mason: they're bring someone back from the dead (says)

Cole: who (says)

Mason: cora (says)

With omega and safari who was controlling a woman's body

Safari: do we have everything that we need (ask)

Omega: yes we are one step close to bringing you back (says and safari smirks)

Safari: and i can finally get out of this wretched body and have some real fun (says and cut her hand and soon a woman appeared in the circle) hello cora

Cora: safari (says looking at her)

Safari: hello cora I think it's finally we have a chat (says and smiles)

With ruby who was sitting at a cafe when someone stopped in front of her

Jace: Ruby (says and she looks at him)

Ruby: hey (says not knowing what to say because the last time they saw each other she killed the one person he loved the most) what's up

Jace: nothing I heard you were back to normal (ask)

Ruby: normal yes different yes I'm normalish not the same one you remember

Jace: you're blaming yourself for killing Cora

Ruby: well I don't regret it jace I had to protect my family (says) and I know that's not an excuse for it but it is for me

Jace: it's okay I had five years to blame it all on you guys it's time for me to move on (says and she smiles)

Ruby: want to at least have a normal drink together (ask)

Jace: sure (says and sits down, she smiles and looks at him)

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