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January 5, 2021- outside of New Jersey the family were all feasting gaining their strength

Elizabeth: we have to find Mason (says after finishing)

Hayley: well it's a good thing I had a demon find him turns out he's Underground in the castle so I'm guessing the cellers (says)

Tyler: great we get him and go (says)

Hayley: that's going to be hard the place is filled with vampires and other new ancient vampires from out of town, getting him literally be impossible without someone noticing us (says)

Cole:(comes out of the woods) why not use your little boy toy he can go there without someone noticing him (says)

Hayley: I will not put Sam at risk (says)

Tyler: then why is he here he's no use to us if you want to even help us get Mason out or do you even want Mason out (says)

Hayley: of course I want to get him out he's my husband (says glaring at him)

Sam: no they're right Hayley I will go and give you guys enough time to get in there and get him out(says)

Hayley: are you sure you want to do this you don't have to prove anything

Sam: of course I want to do this for the sake of the girls (says) like you said they deserve to have their father

Hayley:(looks at him) fine lets get going then (says and they soon left)

The family made it to the castle hayley turned to sam

Hayley: I'm going to ask you again Sam are you sure you want to do this (says)

Elizabeth: he has no choice (says)

Hayley: I wasn't asking you Elizabeth (says snapping at her)

Sam: I'll be fine (says, she looks at him before nodding he takes off)

Elizabeth: I don't like him

Hayley: you don't like anyone (says and they all headed towards the back entrance)

Elizabeth: no Hayley I truly don't like him (says)

Hayley: well I trust him and that's all that matters (says and soon the family sees mason trapped in a circle)

Cole: great just what we need a boundary spell we don't have a witch or demon to help us with this one and since you know who is Dead nothing (says)

Hayley: well it's a good thing I got this (says taking out a vial of blood)

Tyler: what is that

Hayley: full demon blood one of the things that ruby taught me is that their blood can be use to weaken a spell strong enough for the person who trapped in in to break free ( says and pours it on the line)

Soon mason was now looking at them

Mason: guys (says looking at them)

Hayley: hey (says looking at them)

Mason: you guys came (says)

Hayley; of course we did we're here to break you free and take you home where two little girls are waiting for you (says and mason smiles)

Cole: now it would be easy to break you out with a spell but since we don't have no one to do it we weaken this spell so you can be able to break for yourself (says)

Elizabeth: now just think of something that will help you be strong enough to break free

Mason: my daughters are the only thing that I've been holding on to that should be enough (says slowly getting up) let's do this

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