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January 20, 2013- In new orleans a hybrid and her pack was in the bayou running away from a powerful witch who wanted the hybrid mother's daughter

The hybrid mother was looking at a map to see where they were going to go next when one of the wolfs came in

Hybrid: jackson how is-

Jackson: we're safe for now hayley (says walking up to her)

Hayley:(sighs and looked at hope who was resting in her covers) what are we going to do, dahlia is trying to keep us here with this storm and I fear she will get to hope and-

Jackson: hayley calm down we will get hope out of here (says calming her down)

Hayley:( looks at him) how do you know

Jackson: because I know someone who will insure it (says)

Hayley: and who is this someone and can we trust them (ask crossing her arms)

Jackson: we can (says)

Hayley: jackson we are going against a 1000 year old witch how do you know-

Jackson: because Hayley this person saved me and the pack so many times against supernaturals who are powerful, and they are stronger then the Mikaelsons trust me (says)

Hayley: (sighs) fine do it

She says, he nods and leaves, hayley picked up hope and lay her on her shoulder as she slept/ with jackson calling someone


Jackson: Hey I need your help

With Hayley, jackson came back in he was going to talk to her when they heard a loud noise outside, they ran out to see klaus killing a werewolf

Hayley: klaus (says looking at him to see him with dahlia) why is she with you klaus

Dahlia: unlike others he's doing what's best for his daughter (says)

Hayley: I'm going to skin you alive (says walking up to her only to feel her bones breaking she fell down)

She noticed that the other wolves fell down to

Hayley: what are you doing to us

Klaus: oh this, this was my idea stealing marcel Crescent wolf curse that was placed on your pack long ago, you will now experience the same as them, now you will share their fate Queen (says and hayley screams out)

But out of nowhere somebody showed up and took a bite out of Dahlia she screamed out and soon her blood was drained she fell to the ground, they all look to see a 22-year old man standing there with blood on his face

Jackson: mason (smiles) you made it where have you been

Mason: well I was just making sure you guys found a way to get out (says)

The pack was looking around to realize that their bones were not cracking anymore

Hayley: oh my gosh hope ( says about to find hope but Mason stopped her)

Mason: don't worry she is safely in the car

Hayley: car what car who the hell are you

Jackson: he's the backup Hayley go with him he will keep you and hope safe

Klaus: she is not going anywhere and neither are you (says but stopped to get his neck snapped)

Mason: I hate Mikaelson ( says and turns to the wolf pack to see them looking at him) hate to break it to you but if I were you I would leave right now before Klaus wakes up and you Hayley you and hope are coming with me so I can protect you (says walking away)

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