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April 8,2014- it's been 4 months since they faked Miracle Callisto's deaths for a while things has been pretty dry in the family Mason and Chloe hasn't speaking to each other since that night Elizabeth has been trying to bring peace back into town Tyler has been doing god-knows-what and Hayley has been struggling of the loss of her daughter now let's get into it

Once Upon a Time there once lived a king who once build his kingdom out of scratch for his family to live in one day something tragic happened and they were forced to leave their Kingdom many years later the king comes back finding out he was gifted with a child and so for months he has done everything he can to protect his unborn child and soon a beautiful baby girl enter in the world filled with light but in order to keep her light they had to fake her death to protect her from anything that brings her harm so the king sent her away and hoping he would see her again

Says ruby who was reading to a sleeping miracle, she walked to Miracles crib and laid her down and watching her sleep

Ruby: and one day he made a promise that he would see his little princess again (says smiling before closing the door)

Back in new jersey with the family it was quiet in the castle mason who was looking through papers when his mother came in

Elizabeth: mason you need to eat

Mason: im not hungry mother im busy

Elizabeth: honey we both know that's a lie you're distracting yourself with all these papers you need a break

Mason: I am not going to stop until I find a way to bring my daughter back home safely and get rid of our enemies

Elizabeth: okay but do you think your daughter would want you in this state when she meets you again no you need a break (says) please Mason I know what it's like to lose a child I understand what you're going through but even myself know that I need a break

Mason: maybe I just wanted to distract myself

Elizabeth: you're not the only one Mason Hayley's literally wolfing out in the bayou everyday just to distract herself I think it's time you talk to her

Mason: well she seems like she can handle herself why don't you help her

Elizabeth: because I'm not the one going through the pain (says) just think about it mason (says and leaves)

Mason sighs and goes back to his papers, with Hayley who was walking around in her wolf forms she turned back and changed into another pair of clothes and walked around the Bayou to see werewolves going about their day, she sighs sadly when she saw a family with their baby girl smiling happily, she holds back her tears before going back home

With tyler who was in bed with chloe sleeping, later on Tyler was looking out in the city through Chloe's window Chloe came out of her room and walked up to him

Chloe: hey

Tyler: hey what are you doing

Chloe: I have an interview today for my new job at the bar since you know I'm always at it might as well get a job there

Tyler: will we see each other later (ask)

Chloe: of course we will (says and kiss him) so how is-

Tyler: he's in mourning he blames himself for being irresponsible you know trying to fight jace for the city not knowing that the mother of his child was abducted and that his child was sacrifice when he got there

Chloe: I know I can't imagine what him and Hayley are going through losing a child the day she was born it's really hard

Tyler: so when are we going to tell them (says and looks at her)

The Demons We FacedDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora