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January 21, 2021- screams were heard throughout hell as ruby was being overheated by fire she was being tortured for the death of ruby and jordan

Ruby:(tries to get away from the heat, this was her first time being in hell since she was a demon born from a physical body and she didn't like it on bit)

The devil: you cant outrun fate since your family are the ones who killed my kids you will do just fine (says)

Ruby: I will find a way back to my family even if it means I have to fight you for it ( says angrily)

The devil: I doubt it (says and shoot her with a black stake in her stomach and she screams)

Soon ruby blacked out, with the family its been a week since jace was held against his will since hybrids took over the city and since the family moved back home

Mason: I don't understand this doesn't make any sense (says looking at the book that hayley found) when Ruby sacrifice cora I thought it would be the first step but it doesn't make any sense there's more steps to them to rise safari

Cole: what do you mean

Mason: it says the first thing was the demon ritual and then the sacrifice and-(says stopping)

Cole: and what ( says looking at him)

Mason: resurrect possessed demon (says)

Cole: so that means the demon sacrifice already happened we just need to figure out when (says)

Mason: we need to go back into our memory we need a witch and we need a clearing space away from the city

Cole: what about the Bayou (says)

Mason: that's great but someone has to go there while the rest of us stay here and figure out who is working with safari (says)

Hayley: I'll go to the Bayou (says) it's been awhile since I went to the Bayou

Sam: ill go with you (says and she smiles, Elizabeth raised a eyebrow)

Elizabeth: good I'll come with you too (says and smirks)

Tyler: so mason what is the epic plan to figure out who is working with this spirit (ask)

Mason: a party (says smirking)

Hayley: well if you're going to have a party I should take the girls so they can be safe away from the city (says)

Hope: why can't I stay with Dad (ask)

Hayley: because it will be too dangerous for you (says and she looks down)

Mason: I think she could stay I mean we have hybrids all over the place who can protect her (says)

Hayley: why don't you go to your room please (says, she nods and leave) I am not about to have a 8 year old little girl staying here while you throw a party and Massacre everyone

Mason: there won't be no blood bath at least I hope not (says)

Hayley: you hope not I need to be sure that you're not at all (says) where her parents we lead by example if she sees even one of us murdered someone she might end up doing the same thing

Mason: do you really think I want to teach hope that is okay to murder people I don't I want her to grow up to be better than both of us (says) she'll be safe I promise

Hayley:(sighs) fine

Sam: wait you're actually going to agreed for Hope to stay here and watch people get killed

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