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July 14, 2013- flashback in 1489, screams were heard throughout the entire Castle the castle was on fire and everyone was running the Callisto family managed to get outside

Ruby: no we have to go back jace is still in there ( says trying to get back in but Mason hold her back)

Mason: we have no choice Ruby father will find us (says)

Elizabeth: he's right Ruby we have to go and like it or not jace could be dead now

Ruby: no I refuse to believe that we finally found happiness only it for it to be torn away (says and starts crying)

Mason: I to refuse to believe it but now we have to go (says she looks at him and nods)

The family soon took off into the night and never came back in the fire jace came out with a girl

Woman: did we fool them

Jace: yes we did and we can finally have the city to ourselves (says and kiss her)

Woman: now we can finally have a future together without Ruby being in the way

Jace: indeed so Queen Sara shall we start our adventure together

Sara: yes indeed King jace (says smirking and soon the two ran off together to start their Kingdom)

End of flashback back in the present everyone was all sitting in a room tied to a chair

Hayley: what the hell is going on where is Hope (ask)

Don't worry your precious daughter is still safely sleeping in the castle but you guys are here to finally expose your lies you have been telling to each other

Mason: what are you talkin about what lies

Woman: that will lead to destruction you guys claim that your friends and that your allies but you guys have yet to tell each other the truth to tell them your deepest darkest secret

Ruby: I don't understand I don't have any secrets to hide

Woman: Oh no some of you don't have secrets you're just here to know them the others on the other hand have secrets that they refuse to tell you

Tyler: I'm sorry what who has secrets

Woman: I'll give you guys a little hit before the show starts Mason and mostly jace are the ones with secrets I would say Elizabeth has Secrets but she already told you about her dead son

Ruby: wait what secrets are she's talking about (says looking at jace)

Jace looks down

Jace: why are you so certain that we will tell you our secret (says looking at the woman)

Woman: because I will make you starting now (says snapping her fingers everyone looked around to see that nothing happens)

Tyler: I'm sorry what's supposed to happen

Woman: will you just shut up now jace tell us what you did in 1489

Ruby: what are you talkin about that was the year the fire started jace didn't make it out of the castle or so that we thought

Woman: no there is something that he did before the fire started you know what jace why don't you tell them who really started the fire

Mason: my father is the one who started the fire

Woman: jace tell them I spelled you to tell the truth

Jace: it was me

Ruby: what, what are you talking about why would you start the fire

Woman: jace

Jace:(sighs) I wanted to get you out of town so I could be with sara

Elizabeth: Sara the maid woman

Jace: we started hooking up five months before the fire started (says and ruby stops)

Ruby: so what you been cheating on me since then I thought you loved me

Jace: I did love you still do ruby (says)

Ruby: but yet you cheated on me and started a fire so you and her can live a happy life without me knowing

Woman: that's not the only thing he did

Ruby: what more could he have done than cheated on me

Woman: jace

Jace: I was the one who brought your father back to life I found a witch who could do it so he can run you out of town

Mason: you knew how much he ruined us and yet you still did it, you did all of that just because you wanted to be with some human girl

Jace: I'm sorry okay it was the biggest mistake of my life (says)

Woman: you know Mason you shouldn't really be talking when you did the same with that Chloe girl

Hayley: wait what is she talking about

Mason: who cares what me and Chloe did it's our business

Hayley: and that business is (ask looking at him)

Woman: that he slept with her months ago and he has been sneaking around with her for a while now

Ruby: seriously Mason a human girl really what's up with human girls that make you guys want to go after them (says)

Mason: so what if I sleep with Chloe why do you guys care so much

Hayley's heart broke at that, she really thought that she could be with him but now discovering it was too late Chloe already got him in her embrace

Mason saw Hayley's expression on her face and look down

Woman: wait there is also something Elizabeth has to tell us

Tyler: would you stop it none of this is helping

Woman: Elizabeth why don't you tell mason on how you almost murdered him

Mason: wait what is she talkin about

Woman: Elizabeth

Elizabeth: you guys know how I lost my first child right ( they slowly nod) when I became pregnant with Mason I felt like I couldn't handle being a mother and couldn't handle losing another child so I almost ended your life by killing myself

Mason: oh mom I don't hate you for that you were going through so much back then

Elizabeth: I still hate myself to this day I couldn't handle the fact that you were going to be a replacement to my first child but I'm so glad I stopped myself before I lost you

Hayley: get us out of here what was the point in having us be stuck here only to expose our secrets

Woman: I needed to break you and see how you guys will be yet to finally knowing the truth and now that I did my part I can finally go (says and she was gone)

Hayley: what do with people disappearing without an explanation (says and soon everyone was free from the chair)

Jace looked at Ruby who's eyes went completely dark

Jace: ruby you have to understand that I never meant for any of this to happen

Ruby: and yet you did (says and throws a fireball at him, jace was knocked to the ground he recovered himself fast before disappearing with Ruby running after him)

Elizabeth: we need to stop her ( says and her and tyler were gone)

Mason: Hayley are you coming (ask)

Hayley: no I got to get back to hope (says and leaves)

Mason sighs before running after the others

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