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May 23, 2015- a 9 month looking Bella Breathe In and Out on her bed

Bella: well this sucks (says)

Hayley: tell me about it (says) having a powerful Supernatural baby has that effect on you trust me I should know I've basically carried a tribrid and Quadrid which literally got me killed twice

Bella:(chuckles) thank you for your help even when you didn't have to help me Hayley

Hayley: no problem us girls have to stick together (says and smiles)

Bella: so for being with this family for almost 4 weeks you guys care for each other a lot

Hayley: well constantly being in danger does it that to you but it's how we handle our relationship with each other

Bella: about nine or ten years ago me and my dad didn't really have a good relationship I was mostly with my mom and then I moved with him fell in love with my husband or ex-husband didn't really care about who I hurt, I just wanted to become a vampire not caring that I would leave my family behind and the worst of it all I was in a love triangle between my best friend and my lover who were both enemies one was a werewolf and one was a vampire

Hayley: well that sucks I was also in a love triangle same as yours turns out I was betrothed to a werewolf but I was in love with a Vampire end up marrying the werewolf we've been together for like two to three months before we divorce and I got pregnant with Miracle (says)

Bella: and what about the vampire you were in love with

Hayley: I actually don't know anymore I mean we were on good terms before I left he betrayed his brother to try and get me and hope out of town without any interruptions but Dahlia and Klaus found me and if it wasn't for my ex-husband for calling Mason I would be stuck as a werewolf and be safe on the full moon (says)

Bella: your life is more traumatic than mines is (says and hayley smiles)

Hayley: well to be honest all of that got me my little girls (says) so I guess all that pain actually did something

Bella: and now you're here still going....still standing strong (says)

Hayley: all because I finally found the family I'm willing to fight for

Bella smiled and grabbed Hayley's hand

Bella: I can't wait for our children to be friends (says)

Hayley: me to (says)

With cora

Aisha came in

Aisha: how is the spell going

Cora: still learning

Aisha: it's been almost 3 weeks cora how long does it take for you to learn a spell

Cora: learning one spell is one thing but learning two Spells at the same time and combined it together is hard you do realize that witches aren't that powerful like demons

Aisha:(rolls her eyes) if you would've talk to me like that a few weeks ago I would have killed you but you got fire and I'm going to need it if we're going to take on the Family (says)

Cora: why do you hate them so much

Aisha: what (says looking at her)

Cora: I mean you know my reasons for hating them but I never knew yours

Aisha: a thousand years ago I was nothing more than a child I fell for Mason easily I really thought we were in love and we were he did love me too until one day his father came into town he almost killed me and Mason left me to die (says)

The Demons We FacedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora