not a story

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Okay right now I am getting tired because some of you are commenting on this story that you don't want to read it because it's the exact same plot as the originals, of course it is there are some similarities I'm doing to the story the same as the originals because it actually makes sense but the story is totally going a different way once you reach season 2 and some of you are disrespecting how hard it is for me to write a story to making you guys have it

And some of you guys don't seem to care on how hard I work to make time out of my life to write stories because I actually enjoy writing stories for people I mean literally half of the people on the app write their stories similar to the real movie or show because the plot seem right

And I'm going to be honest with you this story is kind of similar to the originals but it has different events different monsters the timeline will be almost like the same but different in season 2 Hayley won't turn into a wolf and be separated from her daughter like in The Originals I'm not going to do that to her

There are some parts that are similar to The Originals and there are some that are not so if you don't like it you don't need to comment saying you don't like it just leave or I can just delete and cancel this story all together and not even give a care in the world it's your choice

I literally planned out season 1 all the way to season 6 like I'm going to give you a spoiler in some of the seasons so you understand that some of the seasons are different than the originals

And for the people who actually like the story I appreciate that you enjoy it but there are some negative people we don't understand how hard it is to come up with ideas for a story until they actually come up with a story and actually try and finish it

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