Tommy turns twelve

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Type: fluff with a bit of angst

Dynamic: SBI family

Fandom: Dream SMP

Tw: none

"WILBUR! WIL WAKE UP IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!"Tommy screamed, running into his brother's room and yanked the blanket off of him.

"Ugh, Tommy please, it's like what-"Wilbur groaned, checking the clock, "Two am?! Tommy, go back to sleep!"

"But it's my birthday, Wil! I'm twelve!"

"You were born in the afternoon, you aren't twelve yet, now go back to bed."

"That's now how it works-" Wilbur had had enough of Tommy's arguing, so he grabbed a pillow and shoving it in the blonde's face.

"Tommy, it may be your birthday, but there is still school, and I have an exam so I need to get some sleep. Go. Back. To. Bed." Tommy whined into the pillow, shoving Wilbur away.

"Fine, I will!" Tommy grinned, wiggling under the blankets and curling into Wilbur's side. The latter sighed, giving into his younger brother and cuddling him.

"DAD WAKE UP, IT'S MY BIRTHDAY,"Tommy screamed, jumping onto the bed which Phil and Kristen were sleeping in.

"Jesus Christ Tommy," Phil groaned, rolling over and sitting up.

"I don't have to go to school right? 'Cause it's my birthday? That's fair, isn't it?"

"No, no Toms, you're going into school." Tommy whined, rolling over.

"That's not fair! I'm not going in!" Kristen smiled at the two, sitting up and getting out of bed.

"C'mon Toms, I'll make you a special birthday breakfast, yeah?" Tommy's face instantly lit up.


Wilbur slowly made his way downstairs, smelling pancakes cooking. "Morning mom,"he said, greeting Kristen.

"Morning, those are for you,"she replied, motioning towards a plate of pancakes. Wilbur thanked her, taking the plate and sitting down beside Tommy at the kitchen island. He yawned again, barely able to keep his eyes open.

"Did you not sleep well, Wil?"Phil asked, drinking coffee in the corner of the room.

"Nah, this little shit woke me up at like, two,"Wilbur replied, nodding his head at Tommy.

"You can't call me vat, it's my birfday,"Tommy replied, mouth full of pancake. Wilbur cringed at the small particles of spit that escaped the blonde's mouth.

"Tommy, don't talk with food in your mouth, it's gross,"the brunet said, shuffling away from his brother and shielding his plate of food.

"I can do what I want! It's-"

"I know it's your birthday Toms, please, shush, happy birthday, alright?"Wilbur said, not meaning to have a snappy tone in his voice. Tommy's smile faded. He was only messing, he didn't mean to upset Wilbur.

"Sorry..."he mumbled, looking down at his plate. Wilbur didn't spot the hurt on his brothers face, quickly finishing his food and heading upstairs to get dressed.

Later that day, Wilbur was in the outdoor area of his school, enjoying his twenty minute break before he began his test. It was a science mock exam, since he'd be doing his GCSEs in a few months. Across the playground, he spotted Tommy, who was in year seven, sitting on the floor, crying. Tubbo and Ranboo were with him, trying to cheer him up, but nothing was working. "One moment guys, I'll be right back,"Wilbur said to his friends Niki and Jack, making his was towards where his brother was. He had to avoid the teachers, since year elevens and year sevens weren't allowed to mix. "You alright?"he asked, sitting beside Tommy on the floor. Tubbo and Ranboo walked away a little, giving the brothers some space.

"I'm sorry Wil, I didn't mean to be annoying,"Tommy mumbled into his arms, not looking up. Wilbur felt his heart shatter a little bit at hearing the blonde so upset.

"Hey, don't be sorry, I was cranky because I was stressed about my test, I didn't mean to snap. You haven't done anything wrong, okay?" Tommy finally looked up and Wilbur wiped away a few stray tears from the blonde's face. "Happy birthday, Toms." Tommy's face instantly lit up and he smiled.

"Thank you!" The blonde hugged his older brother before running back off to Tubbo and Ranboo.

"WILBUR MINECRAFT!"a teacher screeched. Wilbur realised he'd been caught, and quickly dashed back to the year eleven space. "GET BACK HERE YOUNG MAN!" Crap.

At about four thirty, Wilbur finally arrived home. Tommy ran to greet his brother, dragging the middle child into the living room. "Dad and mom are annoyed, but I don't know why,"the small blonde said, jumping onto the couch and picking up a puppy.

"Where did you get that?"Wilbur asked, not remembering having a dog.

"Dad said I was old enough to be responsible, so now I have a dog! His name is Clementine!" Wilbur tried not to laugh at the stupid name before messing up Tommy's hair and making his way into the kitchen.

"Wilbur,"Kristen said, raising her eyebrow at him. "Care to explain why you had an hour detention today?" Phil stood beside, looking just as unimpressed.

"Did they not tell you? Oh,"Wilbur began, setting his bag down on the table, "I saw Tommy crying so I went to comfort him, but obviously I'm not meant to be in the year seven area, so the teachers got pissed at me. They didn't even listen when I explained I was comforting my baby brother!" Phil sighed, looking down and Kristen laughed a little.

"I knew you wouldn't of done something wrong. Was Tommy okay in the end? He came home in a pretty good mood."

"Yeah, he was fine."

That evening, there was a knock at the door. Phil frowned since they weren't expecting anyone. Wilbur went to answer the door, and the shock on his face said it all. "TECHNO!"Tommy screamed, standing behind Wilbur before running into his eldest brother's arms.

"Hey little guy, happy birthday!"Techno replied, entering the house as Wilbur shut the door behind him. Kristen and Phil smiled, finally seeing their oldest son after what was probably a year. "I couldn't miss his birthday,"the pig man explained to his parents as they looked at him, confused. "Alright, you're a little heavy, can I put you down?"he asked Tommy. The blonde nodded, getting down and running to grab Clementine.

"Look! Look, I got a dog! His name's Clementine!"Tommy exclaimed, running back up to Techno and showing him the dog. The older man smiled, rubbing the blonde's head.

"Aw, isn't he cute?" Tommy nodded, taking his brother's hand and dragging him to the couch.

"And- and look!"the blonde boy continued, showing Techno everything else he had gotten. "Wil got me this music disc and- and this!" Tommy held up a small locket necklace with a picture of the three boys in. "It's the only jewelry I'll ever wear!" Techno smiled.

"And, I got you this,"he said, pulling out a small box from his backpack. Tommy's face lit up and he carefully took the box from his brother. Carefully, he opened it and inside was a small iron sword.

"OMG!"Tommy yelled, pulling it out of the box and swinging it around.

"Hey hey, careful little guy, don't hurt yourself!" The blonde boy sat back down and hugged Techno. The pig man didn't know how to respond, so he just patted Tommy's head.

"Thank you, thank you!"

"Your welcome."

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