Period Difficulties

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Type: fluff

Ship: Ruke

Fandom: JaTP

TW: none

Luke quickly made his way to the bathroom, keeping his head down. He rushed into a free stall and started to pull down his underwear, hoping to God that it wasn't what he thought it was. It was. Great, he'd started his period early. He opened his bag and looked around it, hoping he had a spare pad or tampon laying around in there. Nope, nothing. You see, the issue with being a man who experiences periods, is that there aren't any pad or tampon dispensers in men's bathrooms, meaning if you forget or get caught off guard, you're a little screwed. Taking a deep breath, Luke just exited the bathroom and hoped he wouldn't leak. Unfortunately, he has a heavy flow, so it's unlikely he'll go the 4 hours left until school ends, let alone the extra 30 minutes it takes for him to walk home. Sighing, he made his way towards his locker, where Reggie was waiting for him. There's another issue, the only person who knows he's transgender is a cisgender male, who obviously won't have spare pads or tampons on him. "You okay?"Reggie asked, slinging his arm around Luke's waist as he opened his locker.

"Not really, I started my period early,"Luke replied, lowering his voice.

"Ah, that sucks."

"And, I don't have a pad or tampon on me!" Luke discarded his book from the last lesson and collected the one for the next. Reggie gave him a pitied look, placing a gentle kiss on the crown of the brunet's head. "What if I leak or something?" The bassist took this as an opportunity to sneak a peak at his boyfriend's ass.

"Well, you're good at the moment. If you do leak, let me know, you can use my jacket,"he offered, taking account for Luke's tendency to never wear a jacket. The brunet gave him an appreciative look before shutting his locker as the pair made their way to their next lesson.

The school day felt longer than usual, but when it was finally over, Luke hopped on his bike and made his way quickly home. As he entered the house, he ignored his mother saying 'hello' and rushed into the bathroom. He opened the cabinet and low behold, there were no pads, only tampons. Luke groaned. He much preferred pads as he personally didn't feel comfortable inserting tampons, but he didn't have much choice. After washing his hands and exiting the bathroom, he finally said 'hello' to his mother and jumped on the kitchen counter to reach the box holding pain killers. His mother gave him a sorrowful look, knowing exactly what had happened purely based on the way Luke was acting. The brunet swallowed the tablet with the little water left in his water bottle as he untied Reggie's flannel jacket from his waist and put it on properly, relishing in the smell of his lover's cologne. After a short conversation with his mother, Luke made his way into his bedroom to finally get changed. He pulled on some comfortable joggers and a hoodie Reggie left there weeks ago. He wrapped the flannel around his arm and curled into his bed, propping his laptop on the bedside table to watch Netflix.

Less than an hour later, Luke heard a gentle knocking on his window. Groaning, he paused the show he was watching and got out of his blanket nest, carefully opening the window. It was Reggie. Luke grinned, helping his boyfriend climb in before nuzzling his head into the crook of the raven's neck. "How're you feeling?"Reggie asked, wrapping his arms around his lover.

"Pain,"Luke replied, voice muffled.

"Aww." Reggie gently picked the brunet up and carried him over to the nest of blankets on the bed. He lay him down before lying beside him himself. Luke whined at the temporary loss of contact before Reggie wrapped himself around the smaller boy, spooning him. Normally, Luke would be fighting against him, complaining that he isn't a little spoon, but whenever he's on his period, all he really wants is cuddles and attention from his boyfriend.

Expect a lot of Luke angst because I fucking love the dude but I also love making him suffer ❤️

Question of the day:
Who's your favourite JaTP character and why?

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