Yellow Dandelion

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Type: angst and fluff

Ship: Juke and Willex (talked about)

Fandom: JaTP

TW: Reggie is dead in it, however it is set two years after he died, but it talks a little but about how it happened, so please bare that in mind, also it's just really sad and I cried writing it

"Hi Reg,"Alex sighed, kneeling before the headstone. "Sorry I haven't visited in a while, I've been kinda busy. But, I brought you this,"he added, gently putting a yellow dandilion beside a rose. "Your favourite..." Alex took a deep breath. "I saw Luke leave just now. I know he hasn't been here in a while. He's been busy with his son. They named him after you, did you know that? Reggie Molina-Patterson. I think it was Julie's idea. He's really cute, and he's just like you. He may only be six months old, but I can tell he's going to grow up to be just like you... except, hopefully not dead... sorry, that wasn't funny." Gently, Alex readjusted his position so he was sitting cross-legged. "Me and Willie are engaged... shockingly enough, I was the one who proposed. I was sorta waiting for him to do it, but then I realised he could be waiting for me to, so I just went for it. I'm hoping we can have a picture of you there... I would've asked you to be my best man, but obviously I can't, so I asked Luke to. I'm a little worried, since I know what he's like with speeches, but I'm sure it'll turn out fine. Oh, yeah! And me and Willie are thinking of adopting this adorable puppy! His name is Maxi, and he's so cute! We don't think we're ready to be parents to a human child yet, so we're starting off with a puppy instead. I mean, I can see how much of a handful Luke and Julie's kid is. It feels odd, calling him by your name, but at the same time it makes me feel like your memory is... still alive... Your bass is still at the studio. Well, our new studio. We hung it in a glass case on the wall. Whenever we show people, they always ask why it's there, and Flynn is normally the one who explains. Oh, and Luke still has your leather jacket! I know that when you were in hospital, you were worried about it, but Luke still has it. He hung it up on the wall. It still smells like you, he hasn't washed it, but that also means there's still blood on it, which isn't very pleasant but it's fine. They gave me your plaid jacket, which me and Willie have put on this table that we have which has pictures of you on. Luke said it's like a shrine, but he has one too, in his and Julie's room." Alex paused for a moment, before adding, "It's weird... getting big and... and famous and... all of this... we always imagined it would be... us four. You and... and me... and Jules... and Luke... four. There's... still an empty space... every time we perform on stage... right where you'd stand... it's not the same, Reg... it never will be... we miss you... a lot... and I know that now you're dead, you've probably got better things to do but... I do hope you check up on us, every now and then."

Haha, I'm sad

Question of the day:
Ruke or Juke?

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