Chapter 20

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Isabella woke with a start, the silky sheets around her warm as she sat up in Rafael's bed. The sun wasn't yet up and the room was so dark she could barely see. She reached over to feel for Rafael but felt nothing. She slid out of the bed, stumbling in the darkness to try and find some clothes to wear. She threw on one of his t-shirts and oversized sweatpants, pulling the drawstrings tight around her waist as she fumbled her way toward the bedroom door.

She heard hushed voices down the hallway as she walked toward them, wondering where Rafael was, especially considering his recent bullet injury and his tortured words to her last night. She didn't blame him for their brush with danger even though logically she knew she should. Danger was deeply stepped into the fabric of Rafael's life, simply being here was far more dangerous than anything she could have imagined in her past world. And yet, she still wanted to be near him. He felt like safety to her even though the voice in her head screamed at her that he shouldn't. That the feelings she had developed were an utter paradox.

"Isabella," she jumped at the sound of her name, her hand clutching her chest as she turned to face Lolita in the near darkness. "Come with me, mi novia. You need to change." Lolita took her arm and led her back toward another bedroom.

"Lolita, why? It's not even light out. Where's Rafael–"

"Hush, Isabella," Lolita fumbled around in the closet, pulling out a pair of jeans and a smaller t-shirt, "there is no time."

"No time for what?" Isabella's voice rose from a whisper, her pulse racing. Lolita said nothing as she shoved the clothes in her arms and Isabella quickly changed, her hands trembling, when she noticed a packed duffle bag on the edge of the bed.

"Are we leaving?" Isabella's throat felt dry. Perhaps they were returning to the other hacienda or some other remote mansion safehouse that Rafael no doubt owned all over Mexico. She wanted to see him and ask him face to face but Lolita continued to rustle around in the bathroom without answering.

"Lolita, please," Isabella placed her hand on the older woman's arm and pleaded with her eyes. "Where are we going? Where's Rafael?"

"Not we, chica. Just you. You will be safe. This is what you've wanted, Isabella."

"What I've what?" Isabella felt the air leave her lungs in a rush. She had no clue what Lolita was saying but before she could ask another question, Lolita was leading her from the room with the duffle bag in tow and guiding her into the kitchen.

"The car is ready," Isabella turned at the sound of an American voice. A dark blonde haired man with a serious, almost military-like face, stood by the doorway with his arms crossed over his chest. Lolita handed him the duffle bag and darted her eyes down before looking back up at Isabella and embracing her quickly in a rough hug.

"Be strong, mi novia. You will be safe soon." Lolita released Isabella, resting a worn palm on her cheek, "I had a daughter once. You have no idea what it means to a mother to see their child again." Isabella's mouth popped open in confusion, wanting to ask a million questions that she knew no one would answer.

"Come, Isabella. Let's go." The American gestured to her as he hoisted the duffle bag over his shoulder.

"No! Someone tell me what's going on. Where's Rafael? I haven't seen him–"

"He's in the car." The American cut her off, a glance passing between Lolita and him. Isabella turned toward the door, wanting to see Rafael and be reassured that he was okay.

"Are we returning to the hacienda?" Isabella stumbled to keep up behind the American, his strides long and sure as he made his way toward a waiting blacked-out SUV.

"We are going somewhere safe, yes." The American opened the trunk and threw in the duffle bag. "I'm Ryan." He nodded at her and opened the back passenger door slightly as the engine started from the driver's seat. As Isabella entered the vehicle, she was surprised that he immediately came in after her, shutting the door closed behind him.

"Drive." Ryan barked out at the front seat as the car peeled away, throwing up a cloud of dirt as it made its way toward the main road. Isabella scanned around the car, seeing no sign of Rafael as another SUV began to follow behind them.

"What the hell is going on?" Isabella felt the same forceful rush of adrenaline cover her body as when she'd first been kidnapped. A ripple of electricity ran from her scalp to her toes as the two men in the front seat stared fixedly ahead. She reached for the car door to try and open it but the vehicle was locked.

"Let me out! Let me out now!" Isabella began screaming and thrashing, a flashback taking over as she fought and clawed at the door, Ryan reaching over to restrain her.

"Isabella, breathe. Just breathe," Ryan spoke directly into her ear, his stronger body restraining her completely even as she tried to fight his hold, "you are safe. We are taking you somewhere safe. I promise."

"I don't believe in promises anymore," Isabella spat and attempted to bite his hand but Ryan managed to cover her mouth. "I'll hold you like this the entire way if that's how you want to play it."

"I'll happily take over that duty if you'd like," Martín chuckled from the front passenger seat, turning around to wink wickedly at Isabella. Both she and Ryan tensed at his expression as he turned back to face out the front window.

"No need," Ryan loosened his hold on Isabella and tried to plead with her to relax with his eyes. She gulped in several deep breaths, no longer fighting his hold and gradually he released her.

"Where's Rafael?" Isabella spoke again, her body trembling. Martín turned back around, a gun lazily resting in his lap.

"Ay, carina. Stop bitching or I'll find another way to shut your mouth."

"Martín." Ryan's voice cut through the car like a threat and Martín rolled his eyes before returning his gaze forward. Isabella's mouth opened to scream but Ryan quickly covered it, shaking his head 'no' at her as he pulled a small piece of paper from his pocket. He put one finger up to his lips, indicating for her to be quiet. Isabella felt tears spring at the corners of her eyes as Ryan slowly removed his hand from her mouth, handing her the paper and shifting their bodies so that the paper couldn't be seen in the rear view mirror. Isabella unfolded it and saw the same masuculine writing that she'd come to know as Rafael's:


My best men are taking you home. Back to your family. You will be safe there. This is me keeping my promise to you.

- Rafael

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