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The night was dark and cold. The heavy clouds showered the empty streets of Eaglepoint with merciless drizzle, making everything wet in a matter of seconds. The woman stood under the small outcrop of the roof, seeking some shelter from the downpour.

She tapped her foot impatiently and brushed the damp red hair from her forehead. Even the hood of her heavy black robe couldn't save her from ever-present humidity.

The nerve of those people! To make her wait as some beggar in a stinking slum! If she could only have her way...

The constant sound of raindrops was broken by heavy footsteps splashing through the puddles. The woman perked up and looked at the narrow alley entrance, where the dark shape stood, waiting. The person was nervously looking around. Underneath the plain dark cloak, fancy shoes made from the best quality leather with golden buckles shone like a lantern in the dark street.

The woman scoffed. If anyone could see the person, they would know instantly he was not from this part of the city. They were lucky the downpour scared most folks away.

"Don't just stand there!" she called, her voice beautiful and alluring as the siren song. "I'm here, waiting!"

The person grunted, and after giving one last glance around, they entered the alleyway. They stepped into the flickering light of the lone, barely glowing torch, revealing masculine built with broad shoulders and a young, handsome face with a sharp nose. The man looked her up and down, his brows knitted, and his hand clasped on the beautiful sword handle.

She cocked her head and let her full lips form a welcoming smile. She knew this type of man all too well. Young and eager to prove themselves. Ready to do anything to grab more power, even if it meant getting his hand dirty. A perfect pawn.

"Do you have it?" he asked curtly, without any preamble.

"Why I do, yes. Do you have the payment I requested?" the woman asked, raising her brow.

"Of course." The man reached under his cloak producing a heavy-looking pouch and handed it to her.

Ignoring his impatient glare, she unlaced the straps revealing glimmering gold coins and the wealth of jewels that could pay up for a vast mansion in the most expansive part of the city.

"That will do." She grinned and strapped the pouch to her belt. Her long porcelain-like fingers reached to one of the many pockets in her robe and took out a single, fragile vial.

"Is that it?" The man scoffed, his eyes glaring daggers. "You demanded a royal ransom for a few drops?"

"Yes," she replied with a sweet smile. "It is the most potent poison there is. You need just a drop to put anyone in a death-like coma. They will not be killed, not right away. They will slowly wither away day by day for months, and their loved ones can only watch. There is no cure."

The man shivered visibly, hearing a strange cheerfulness in the woman's voice while talking about tormenting people. But that was what he needed right now, to get back what was rightfully his. He reached his hand to the vial, but the woman withdrew her hand with a giggle.

"Careful now, young man. You don't want to break it, do you? Your hand is shaking."

The man gritted his teeth and straightened his back, forcing his body to obey his will.

"Give me the vial, witch! You got your payment."

"Well, no need to get all worked up," she cooed. Her beautiful lips were smiling, but there was something serpent-like in them.

The man finally grabbed the vial and deposited it in his pocket. He swiftly turned around and rushed out of the alley, disappearing into the night without a word.

The woman tsked. "How rude."

She drew the hood deeper to conceal her face and left the alley. It took her almost an hour to get back to a creaking ruined house on the outskirts of the city. She entered through the rotten door that hung haphazardly on one hinge.

The main room looked abandoned and left to decompose slowly. The floor was littered with pieces of furniture and animal droppings. The only thing that seemed out of place was a huge mirror in a heavy brass frame placed in the middle of the room.

The woman dropped her drenched cloak and strolled towards the mirror while little creatures' bones crunched under her feet. She looked at her reflection. It was not showing the beautiful stranger that everyone saw her as. Instead, she crossed her eyes with an old woman. Every inch of her exposed waxy skin was covered in black inked tattoos. There were also so many scars marring her features that resembled a map of some foreign land.

She looked down at her hands, which seemed to be all bone and skin, covered in blisters and boils that throbbed painfully.

"I hate this city and its weather," she croaked and ran a hand through a tangle of messed grey hair.

She drew a dagger, which polished black surface seemed even darker than the night surrounding the city and slid it through her open palm. She shuddered and pressed it to the brass frame.

The dark red blood slowly trickled down the metal curves, getting traction and moving as if it had a life of its own. The woman gasped as she felt a sharp pull on her open wound. The mirror seemed especially hungry today. When the blood marred the whole frame, she could finally draw back her hand.

She hissed in pain and looked at her trembling hand. The incision was already closing, leaving yet another ugly scar. With a sigh, she pressed her throbbing hand to her chest and looked into the mirror.

Her reflection was gone now, replaced by the swirling scarlet mist. The air around her turned cold, and her breath came out as a white cloud.

"Briar," said the cold voice that reverberated through the whole ruined house. The woman felt her skin crawl. There was undeniable power in this voice, the command that no one could deny.

"Emperor." She fell to her knees and bowed, touching her forehead to the filthy ground.

"Is it done?"

"Yes, my lord. I handed out the poison. Everything is proceeding according to plan."

"Are you sure they will dispense it?"

"Yes, my lord. Humans are so easily predictable. There is nothing they wouldn't do to gain more power. I'm positive we will see it at work in the next few days."

"Good. Remain in your position and monitor the progress."

"Your word is my command, Emperor." She bowed again.

"Do you have anything else to report?"

"No, my lord. But if I may be so bold...." She licked her parched lips. "Have the others got their assignment done?"

There was a brief silence, and for a moment, Briar expected the punishment for her insolent words. But no pain came.

"Yes. Everything is already in motion. Report back in three days," the voice commanded. The scarlet mist swirled erratically and disappeared, leaving the mirror surface empty again. The cold dissipated as if it was only a memory.

The woman sat straight and smiled, showing the gums full of rotten and missing teeth.

"It has finally begun." 

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