Kai (Snaps his fingers) - Shirayuki, get back to reality

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Kai (Snaps his fingers) - Shirayuki, get back to reality. We have our performance in 10 minutes.

Shirayuki- Oh! Sorry. Hey, your bow tie looks a bit twisted.

Kai- Does it? (Tries to adjust it)

Shirayuki- Here, let me help you

Writer- While Shirayuki was adjusting the tie, Kai just stood there, struck.  He was too amazed with her beauty(that too at this close range), he didn't even notice her moving away. And we think that Serena is weird.

Shirayuki (Giggles)- Am I looking this good? 

Kai- Wha-Umm.. I--

Shirayuki- You know you look cute when you are blushing.

Writer- Kai looks to his side trying to calm himself down from this situation and then suddenly, takes Shirayuki's hand and kisses the top of it, which, of course, makes Shirayuki blush (Today too much red color right? And we are not even in a thriller book)

Kai- You do too.

Shirayuki (Takes her hand)- Keep your flattering for later

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Shirayuki (Takes her hand)- Keep your flattering for later. Let's show everyone that we are the best MC of the whole year.

Kai- Such a small goal. Let's be the best MC ever (They both high five)

(While hosting)

Kai- A big congratulations to Idyllic for their third win this night.

Haruko- Arigato.

Shirayuki- Senpai, you better watch out, we are coming for you

Dian- You said it Shirayuki!

Kai- As if we would let that happen! Now, I would like to request Idyllic to get back to their seats.---------- Well, hasn't it been an amazing night!

Shirayuki- Yes! It was an amazing experience being here on this stage while also learning from you.

Kai- The same was for me. Wow, I don't want it to end, but guess we have to do it! We will see you at the next award show!

Shirayuki- Until then, enjoy the performance by Legendary One Touch and then Reality!

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