Chapter 6

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(A/n: remember what I said about my 'writers block'? Well turns out those last very short :DD, DOUBLE A/N- hello this is from future Author,I will be rewriting this, ty.)

-Second person POV-
Everyone was shocked, disappointed. Penny and Judy we're... traumatized, but there was no Will in sight. This is what made you worry.

Not  the fact that you once overheard that the very land you're living on wasn't going to be uninhabitable, no, you could care less about that.

It's the fact that your friend was missing, now where is Will Robinson?.


-Second person POV-
Entering the Jupiter you finally find where your friend is, with his sisters, and a device he's probably been trying so hard to work out. You didn't step in, they have the right to mourn over the deat- lost, of one's loved one.

So you left. You sat outside not knowing what to do, you couldn't go back there, you didn't want to interrupt anything.

And there you stared into nothingness.

Upon this you over heard something, about Smith, Maureen, the robot. You stood up and walked somewhere.


-Y/n's POV-
Same day, we're collecting poop from a poop cave! How fun.. I grew my vines to help recourses transfer faster to the cave, it turns out that Will found out a way to get out of here, and it also turns out 'Ms. Smith' was no Ms. Smith.

Let's talk about that later, we still have to do a lot of work, readers. I put down the things I were carrying and ran up to the group, I was far behind.

In doing so I find then doing shushing movements to me and pointing up, I looked up and behold, uhm.. what the hell?

I played no attention to that as it'll just make me panic and make a noise or two. So I went to collecting shit.. literally. Apart from having hundreds of things that could kill us just above us, its pretty peaceful.

Until there was a beep, 2 beeps? No, a lot of beeps. Oh fuck. Everyone went rushing out as the monsters from above went swooping in, a lot of them made it..with a few-- eugh. But a few stayed. I had my attention to Penny and Will, I couldn't let them die, no, not now not ever.

I could make vines, but that would be too noisy, I'll have to guide them through this. Making a hand movement signing to follow me was easy, now it's time to quietly walk away from 100 killing machines, peaceful.


-Y/n's POV-
We had a few *cough* complications, but other than that we made it out alive. I walked back to Penny and Will catching a few words before they stopped talking because they noticed me.

After moving all the bio-mass or whatever they call it I took rest on a rock, I mean why not it has been a long day. I over heard Penny and this...guy talking to each other and decided to go over to Will and followed him. I did not want to get involved with whatever Penny and that guy where talking about.

Will had to go tell Judy the good news so I sat around a waited. "She cut me off, she told me she found mom" he looked at me, I pat the ground I was sitting on signaling that he could sit down.

We were looking at old tapes he had to the robot, I never actually talked to the robot much but he seemed like a great guy...great robot? I don't really know.

-third person POV-On the other hand, Don and John were floating in space with two hours left of oxygen, they knew how much hope they had left and it wasn't much

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-third person POV-
On the other hand, Don and John were floating in space with two hours left of oxygen, they knew how much hope they had left and it wasn't much. Floating on a piece of the jupiter afraid of letting go because you might end up in a completely different space, or no where, and that scared John.

No where to go, nothing to hold on to, no family, nothing. That's why he was lucky to have heard a few beeps back from a simple communicator. And then he remembered he's still floating in space.

-706 words

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