Chapter 3

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-Will's POV-
"Uhhh stop following me please-" I pleaded at the horned person, creature?, [Y/n].

In conclusion, they did not leave me alone. I tried reasoning, and it didn't work, I said I had places to be, and it didn't work, they wouldn't budge so I sat on the ramp of the Jupiter and just as expected they followed,

"Why are you following me?" I ask, hopefully getting the answer I wanted. "Because, you're my friend and friends stick together." They answered.

Friends?  "We met a day ago [Y/n]"
"Yes but people who hold a special meaning to you are specified as friends yes?" They asked, looking confused.

"Sigh yea...fine alright you're my friend, I thought about the robot so me being me I went back inside the Jupiter to get him while I  could hear footsteps behind me signaling me that [Y/n]'s still there.

"[Y/n] you have anything else to do?" I was at my room now, where robot is, well..robot in at the door but let's not.

"No, considering the fact that most of the people here hate me, no." They looked at me directly with confused eyes.

"C'mon maybe we can do something else with robot" I didn't want them to be sad.

We walked outside talking about whatever we could talk about when dad came in.

"Hey uh what are you doing outside?" He questioned, "I thought I could help-" I wanted to help, the robot could help and they'd maybe appreciate him more, and
[Y/n] too, I don't get why they hate them anyways.

"Robinson, I told you-" Victor told my dad, but he responded quickly cutting him off, "I know, that's why we aren't, we're doing a father-son-....robot bonding"

What about [Y/n?]

-Y/n's POV-

What about me? I felt sad at the absence of my name, but did not interfere as this was their father-son-robot... moment, not mine.

So I stood down quietly backing away so they wouldn't notice me, I noticed Will glancing at me but I didn't take much further notice of it.

I walked back to the waterfalls seeing that it's completely empty, being shocked by this but saddened at the same time, I grow a few little plants.

I decide to sit at the used to be, shore until I heard 2 people walking here so I ran back to the group as fast as I can, I would run back to my house if it weren't for the fact that it doesnt exist anymore.(Damn it creator, oh yea I'm the creator-)

-Second person POV(yay finally)-

You ran back but stopping midway to walk back because your legs were getting tired, you wanted to leave this place because you noticed the change in weather guess temperature.

Upon peacefully walking back you see someone pulling something from under a log, a bag maybe?...

As scared as you were you kept walking but had a bad feeling, the only thing is you don't know why.

Finally reaching the group, you see Will and robot is finally back, running up to them smiling---

-Y/n's POV (oh no)-

"Hey Will!" I stop in front of him to greet him

"Oh uh [Y/n] do you wanna play uno with me?" (Honestly I forgot what they were supposed to be playing in this scene-) Will asked me, Uno? What is that

"Uno? What is that" I answer his question with yet another question, voicing my thoughts.

"Come with us! I'll teach you" Will pointed to the robot and him.

"Sure!" I happily follow the two while Will guides me through the basics.

-Will's POV-
"Here now we get 7 cards each" I say as I slide a card my way and a card their way, but my dad walked in making me look at him---

"Hey mind if I join?" He sits down on one of the chairs, "hey me toooo!" Penny came running in and set down some things

"Sure!" I pass him two cards and Penny  two cards, continuing passing Me, [Y/n], my dad, and Penny cards.

3, 3, 3, 3
4,4, 4, 4
5, 5, 5, 5
6, 6, 6, 6
7, 7, 7, 7

I went first and [Y/n] went second, dad blocked my turn making Penny smirk when she placed down a +4 color change card

"That's what you get dad!"

"Not fair I had t-" My dad got cut off as Dr. Smith walks in asking me if I could get my mom to play uno, me finally giving in as did want her to play with us too.

Robot and [Y/n] followed me but robot got held back by my dad---- "They'll be fine, let them have this."

-803 words


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